Chap 14 - Temptation

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Taehyung's eyes widened with surprise as he felt Yoongi's lips on his. They stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds. When Yoongi realized what had just happened, he quickly pulled away from Taehyung and stood up. He went out of the bathroom and left Taehyung inside.

'Holy fuck! I just kissed Tae!' Yoongi said to himself as his thoughts run wildly through his mind. He could still feel how soft Taehyung's lips were against his and how sweet it tasted. On the back of his mind, he longed to feel those lips again. 

Taehyung sat on the floor of the bathroom, still shocked at what happened. His hands touched his lips as he thought, 'That was my first kiss! How will I face Yoongi now?' 

Taehyung finally decided to go out of the bathroom. He saw Yoongi sitting on his bed looking disturbed by something. He felt his heart beating faster as he approached Yoongi. He settled beside Yoongi and said, "Yoongi, I...about what happened...umm..." 

"Don't worry about it. Let's just forget about it and act as if nothing happened. It was just an accident, right?" Yoongi said coolly. 

"Yes, that was an accident. I guess you're right about that. Let's just forget about it." Taehyung agreed, his face getting redder. 

"Or did you plan to do that in the first place?" Yoongi joked and he smirked playfully at the innocent Taehyung. 

"What?! Of course I didn't plan that. Who would want to kiss you?" Taehyung said and was glad that the tension between them earlier was already gone. 

"You're lucky that you got to experience how it is to kiss me, even if it is an accident. Many girls would kill just to get a kiss from me." Yoongi said confidently. 

"That is just absurd. And don't compare me to those girls. As you can see, I'm not a girl." Taehyung huffed. 

"Yeah, I can clearly see that." Yoongi smiled. "Come on. Let's go down and eat dinner." 

They were both quiet during dinner. Yoongi's mother was quite worried by the sudden silence of Yoongi and Taehyung and asked them what was wrong. Yoongi just replied that they were tired but both he and Taehyung know that it was a lie. 

After eating dinner, they played cards before getting to sleep. The awkwardness between Yoongi and Taehyung disappeared while they enjoyed playing with the others. All of them taught Taehyung to play cards. They played for a while until they were all tired and sleepy. They said good night to each other and went to their rooms.

Yoongi went straight to his side of the bed and slipped inside the blanket. 

"Good night Tae." he said and he turned his back on Taehyung. "Good night." Taehyung said as he turned so that their backs were facing each other. He closed his eyes to sleep but the images of their accidental kiss kept flashing on his mind. His heart began to beat faster. 

'Aish! Why do I keep thinking about that!' Taehyung said mentally as he frowned. 'That was just an accident. I should just forget about it.' He was determined to shut what happened earlier out of his mind and forced himself to sleep. 

Yoongi on the other hand can't sleep as well. He was having the same problem as Taehyung. 

'Why can't I forget about what happened earlier? I was the one who suggested that we just forget about the kiss and here I am thinking about it. Come to think of it, that really can't be called a kiss. Right! That wasn't a kiss. It was just a sudden contact of our lips' Yoongi thought as he tried to convince himself that they didn't kiss. 

Taehyung finally fell asleep after a few minutes of forcing himself to sleep. Yoongi was still wide awake and determinedly trying to fall asleep. He was now using all possible means to fall asleep, even counting sheep on his head. 

'100, 101, 102, 103, 104...This is really frustrating...105, 106, 107, 108' Yoongi counted inside his head. He suddenly stopped counting when he felt an arm wrap around his body. He slowly turned his body and saw Taehyung's arms snaked around him like he was a pillow. He was suddenly alarmed as he realized that his face was just two inches away from Taehyung's. His heart thundered beneath his chest by their sudden closeness. 

Yoongi noticed Taehyung's peaceful and angelic face as he watched him sleep. He gazed at Taehyung's closed eyes, those beautiful eyes that can dazzle anybody. He lowered his eyes on Taehyung's nose and realize how perfect it was as this was the first time that he saw Taehyung's face up close. His gaze finally went down to Taehyung's lips. The memory of their kiss earlier flashed once again on Yoongi's mind. He was reminded once again of the softness of Taehyung's lips. He suddenly had the urge to move closer and feel those lips once again. 

Yoongi was slowly moving closer to Taehyung's face when he realized what he was going to do. He quickly moved away from Taehyung's face, as far away from possible. The sight of Taehyung's lips was really tempting Yoongi. 

'Ahh! What is happening to me?! I can't believe I was so close to kissing him. Good thing that I snapped out from that' Yoongi thought as he let out a sigh. He removed Taehyung's arm around his body slowly and turned away from him. He closed his eyes and tried desperately to sleep. A few minutes have passed and an arm wound around Yoongi's body once again.

'Do I really feel like a pillow?' Yoongi thought in defeat and just let Taehyung hug him from behind. 

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