Chap 4 - First Wish

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Day 3

"Oh my god! It's getting super boring here. I've got nothing else to do except sleep since this contract." Taehyung sighed. He sat on the couch in a slouching position. He already finished cleaning the whole house hours ago, and Taehyung kept his promise; not even a tiny spot of dirt can be seen in the place.

'I wonder how's Namjoon doing right now? I really miss him.' Taehyung stretched his arms and yawned. "I'm getting sleepy. It doesn't hurt to take a nap for just a few minutes right?" he muttered to himself and closed his eyes. Taehyung immediately fell asleep because of the tiring day of cleaning Yoongi's place. 

An hour has passed since Taehyung fell asleep on the couch. Sounds can be heard at the front door. The door opened and Yoongi entered his apartment. "Wah, the place is really clean." Yoongi mumbled. He removed his shoes and slipped his feet inside his slippers. He continued to the living room and saw Taehyung sleeping soundly. Yoongi approached him, walking silently. 

"Yah, you must have worked hard all day." Yoongi said silently to Taehyung. He couldn't help notice Taehyung's angelic face while sleeping. His eyes were focused on his face. He unconsciously raised his hands and moved them towards Taehyung's sleeping face. Realizing what he was doing, Yoongi jerked his hand immediately when they were just inches away from Taehyung's face. Yoongi backed away from the couch. "What the hell am I doing?" 

Taehyung suddenly made little movements. Yoongi's noise woke him from his sleep. He saw Yoongi standing a few feet from him. "Oh, you're back." 

"For a minute, you sounded like you are not pleased to see me." Yoongi said and smiled. 

"Who wouldn't be?" Taehyung muttered under his breath, low enough for Yoongi not to hear. "So, you want to eat dinner?" he asked. Taehyung stood up from the couch. 

"You won't need to make dinner tonight. I decided to treat you to dinner outside for a job well done cleaning the apartment." 

"Really?" Taehyung's face lighted up, a smile on his face. "But why do I don't have to make dinner if we are just eating outside your place?" he asked innocently. 

"You're silly." Yoongi said, smiling. "I didn't mean outside to be literally outside this apartment. I meant that we're eating at a restaurant." 

 "Oh, sorry about that. I'm not used to these things, you know." Taehyung said and smiled sheepishly. 

"That's okay." Yoongi said and noticed something as he looked at Taehyung. "Oh, we have a slight problem to solve before we go."

"What?" Taehuyng asked curiously. 

"Your clothes. You can't go out wearing those." Yoongi pointed at Taehuyng's clothes. 

"What's wrong with them?" 

"Well, here in my world, people don't wear clothes like that. What you're wearing right now isn't considered normal here. You have to blend in with the surroundings. This," Yoongi said, pointing at himself, "is what's normal. If you go out, you should wear something normal like this, or else people might think that you're weird, even if you are." A smirk appeared on Yoongi's face. 

"Yah! You are really mean, you know that?! I am not weird." Taehyung retorted, pouting. 

"Well, a man wearing genie's clothes and has magical powers isn't considered weird now a days." Yoongi said sarcastically. 

"Haha. Very funny. So, what am I gonna wear?" Taehyung asked, returning to the problem at hand. 

"I'll just lend some of my clothes to you. I have a couple of clothes that don't fit me. You and I can just have the same clothing style" Yoongi answered. 

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