Chap 8 - Regret?

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"" Taehyung said between his sobs. He placed his hand in front of his face and observed it. This was his first time experiencing how to cry. He didn't understand how those tears appeared.

It took several minutes before he stopped crying. It was already very late. The temperature outside was very cold. Taehyung didn't know where to go. It was very dark; the only light were from the lamp posts on the streets. He doesn't know anyone on Yoongi's neighborhood. An hour has already passed since Yoongi ordered him to get out of the house.

After getting some rest, Taehyung started to walk again. He walked past the houses; almost everyone was already asleep. He continued walking and came across a small hotel. He remembered Yoongi telling him what a hotel is. Remembering Yoongi made Taehyung's heart ache.

Taehyung decided to spend the night in the hotel. He doesn't really have a choice because he has nowhere to go. He entered the small building and approached the lady at the counter. The lady smiled warmly at him mainly because of his good looks.

"Good evening sir. What can I help you with?" the woman asked.

"I need a room." Taehyung answered emotionless.

"Room 039 is free. Is that okay with you?"


"One night costs $30 sir."

It took Taehyung a few seconds before what the woman said registered to his mind. He remembered that nothing is free on Earth. Everything has its price. He realized that he has no money. He quickly thought of something.

'Shit! I don't have any money with me. What am I going to do now? Wait, I'm a genie for heaven's sake!' Taehyung thought. He flicked his fingers and the woman instantly handed him the key to his room.

"Here you go sir. I hope you will have a comfortable night." the woman said and bowed.

"Thank you." Taehyung said and bowed back. He turned away from the woman and went looking for his room.

He went up to the third floor and looked at the door numbers. He passed rooms 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, then 038. He stopped when he reached room 039. He inserted the key to the keyhole and opened the door.

He went inside and turned on the lights. The room was just small. It had the necessary things for a bedroom. There was a bed on one side of the room; beside the bed was a table with a lamp on it. The windows were adorned with curtains.

Taehyung went to the temperature regulator and increased the temperature. He removed his shoes and lied on the bed. He missed his bed on Yoongi's apartment. The one that he is lying on right now wasn't very comfortable. His body was very tired because of the events that day, but wasn't sleepy yet.

The events that happened earlier flashed across his mind. Yoongi's angry voice kept ringing on Taehyung's head.

'What the fuck are you still doing here?! I said get the hell out of here! I don't want to see your face! Can't your brain understand that?! GET OUT!'

Taehyung can't help but feel hurt because of what Yoongi said. His words pierced his heart badly. It was the first time that someone yelled at him like that. He didn't understand why Yoongi behaved like that. He admits that it was entirely his fault that the living room table caught fire and some things were burned, but he thinks that Yoongi was too harsh on him. Taehyung can't understand what was so important with the paper that was burned.

"What will happen to me now?" Taehyung asked himself and sighed. He wondered what Yoongi was doing at that moment.


It was already past twelve o'clock and Yoongi was still wide awake. He was sitting on the couch in the living room, his eyes still closed as he tried to calm himself up and clear his mind. He was forcing himself to not let his emotions get the best of him. Quite sure that he was sober enough, he opened his eyes, stood up and began to pace in the living room. Pacing helps Yoongi think more logically.

Yoongi's eyes drifted to the clock on the wall and he realized that it was already 1:00 a.m. He tried to go over what happened hours ago and analyzed it.

'It was really Taehyung's fault that the presentation was burned to ashes. Who in their right minds would play with fire inside an apartment?! But coming to think about it, it was partially my fault also for just leaving my things on the living room table. But wait, this is my apartment for goodness sake! Am I not allowed to leave things anywhere? How the hell would I know that they would end up turning to ashes?'

'How can I get to work later? How can I face my team? We worked so hard for this presentation. I don't think I have a face to show them after this. Will the Director fire me for this mistake? Ugh! Why did my damn computer choose to break down at this time? But I cannot skip work. They are expecting me on the company later. I'll just go to work later and get over with it. This is my fault so I have to be responsible for it. Yes, that's right! I have nothing to be afraid of!'

'Wait, why do feel that something isn't right yet?' Yoongi stopped his pacing and stood still for a few seconds before he realized what was wrong. "Taehyung" he whispered to himself.

'Was I too harsh on him earlier? I didn't mean to shout at him like that. My temper was really boiling at that moment and I didn't really know what I was doing. Well, I'm sure he will just come back here later.'

Even though Yoongi doesn't admit to himself, regret and worry can be clearly seen on his face at that moment.

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