Chap 32 - Right Here

431 36 4

Tiny smut ahead

Yoongi and the others searched for Taehyung all day long. After a whole tiring day of endless searching which bore unfruitful results, they met up again in the coffee shop opposite the company building of Ent Syub. 

The four of them collapsed on their chairs. Depression and tiredness loomed over them. They still haven't found the missing Taehyung. 

"I'm so sorry for bothering you like that." Yoongi was the one to speak first. 

"It's okay. We're happy to help." Seokjin answered. He looked at him softly and put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder assuringly. He knew that he, Jimin, and Jungkook were depressed, sad, and worried about what happened, but he clearly knows that Yoongi was feeling 10 times their depression, sadness, and worry. 

"Let's just rest for today hyung." Jungkook suggested. "We'll help you look for him tomorrow." 

"No, you don't need to do that. I've caused you too much trouble today." Yoongi refused. 

"Hyung, please stop worrying about us. We're doing this because you are our friend. We don't want to see you all depressed and sad and that's why we are willing to help. Don't feel guilty anymore." Jimin said. 

Yoongi gazed at his three loyal friends and smiled warmly at them. "Guys, thank you very much." 

They planned for their search tomorrow and decided to meet each other at the same place. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Yoongi went straight to his apartment to get some rest. He hasn't eaten properly that whole day and really needed some rest. Jungkook and Jimin, on the other hand, called for a taxi for a ride to their houses. Seokjin didn't go back yet to his home for he needed to pick up something in a nearby bakery for his mother. 

As he was walking along the lighted streets of nighttime Seoul, he started thinking about things. 'Hmm, I wonder if Yoongi is alright. He must be really worried right now. Where could Tae be? Will we ever find him? I'm not really confident about the search for him. The chance of finding him is really low.' 

Seokjin was deeply occupied by his thoughts that he forgot to look where he was going. He suddenly felt something hard and solid in front of him and bumped into it. He was about to say sorry when he noticed that no one was in front of him. There wasn't a single thing on his way. The people on that street were busy with their own thing and just continued to pass by Seokjin. 

'That's weird. I thought I bumped into someone.' Seokjin thought. Just when he was about to let go of that thought, he felt something brush against him. He knew that it wasn't his imagination because he felt his skin react from the interaction. Good thing that Seokjin's reflexes were fast. He quickly extended his arms towards nothing in particular. Just when he thought that he was grabbing air, his hands touched something that is clearly solid. 


As soon as he was inside his apartment, Yoongi immediately sat on the nearest couch in the living room. His eyes were threatening to flutter close as he was feeling extremely tired. He just gazed at the ceiling and let his thoughts run through his tired mind. 

'Tae, where are you? Please come back.' Yoongi mentally thought. He was too tired to even utter something. Yoongi was only semi-conscious when he suddenly saw Taehyung's image in front of him, smiling very sweetly. 

"Tae," Yoongi said quietly. "There you are." Yoongi started to reach towards Taehyung. As his fingers were just a few inches away from Taehyung's smiling face, Taehyung's face disappeared. Everything around Yoongi was swallowed by darkness as his eyelids finally closed from exhaustion and he fell asleep.

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