Chapter 5

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I walked into my bathroom took a quick shower. I walked into my closet and grabbed a light pink strapless dress with a white belt and the belt buckle was a pink heart. I put on a small tiara and a pair of pink flats. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Not bad Star." I told myself.

I heard a knock and yelled, "Come in!" My door opened and my mom walked in. "Star you look beautiful as always. But I'm here to tell you something." my mom said. "Sure. What is it?" I asked her. "Star all I'm going to say is that, if anything goes wrong please tell me or your father. And also, did you make up your mind about inviting prince Thomas?"

"Yes mom I did invite Thomas. And also, I have to go downstairs I need to go greet my guest, right?" I told my mom. "Of course sweetie." Both me and my mom walked out of my room and we took our separate ways.


I was waiting by the front doors and after about three minutes the doors opened and I saw Pony Head and her sisters coming in and behind them was Kelly. "Pony Head! Kelly!" I ran up to them and hugged them. "Don't you look nice." Kelly told me. "Thanks. You and Pony look amazing!"

"Kelly we both know why Star is dressed up so nicely." Pony Head looked at me with a giant grin on her face. "Excuse me?" I asked her. "Girl you dressed up like this because Tom is coming." Pony said and Kelly had a big grin on her face now. "Is that true Star?" Kelly asked me. "No. Not one bit. But anyways, let's go to the ballroom." I walked them to the ballroom even though Pony knew where it was.

"Hang out here while I go greet the rest of the guest." Pony and Kelly gave me a nodded and I walked out of the ballroom.

I was back by the front door and a few other prince's and princesses came. I saw every one come in but not the one person I wanted to see. I was about to walk away from the front doors when I heard his voice. "Walking away so soon." I turned around and a smile came to my face. I gave Tom a hug. Before me and Tom could walk away I looked back at the guards. "Guards if anything happens or anybody comes, please tell my mom as soon as possible."

Finally I was walking with Tom towards the ballroom. "I thought you weren't going to show up. But turns out you were just late." I told Tom and I heard a laugh come out of him. "Well I'm sorry, but sometimes I'm late." Tom said. "Okay and also we're here." I said.

Both me and Tom walked into the ballroom and saw everybody having a good time. "B-fly! Come over here. You're missing out!" Kelly yelled at me. I turned around and faced Tom, "Well have a fun time. I'm going to be with my besties."

I only took two steps because Tom grabbed my hand. "Star I don't know anybody here, you're the only person I know here. How am I going to have fun?" Tom told me. "Look Tom you see that guy right there," I pointed to a prince named Larry Kelpbottom. "his name is Larry Kelpbottom. He is really nice. Trust me." Tom was about to say something else but I left.

"Wow Tom actually came. So what did Tom tell you?" Kelly asked me. "All he told me was that he doesn't know anybody and the only person he knows is me. So I told him to talk with Larry Kelpbottom, since Larry is nice. Plus look at Tom now." I pointed towards Tom talking to Larry and Tom was actually talking and smiling. "On other news let's go dance." Pony Head said and all three of us walked towards the dance floor.

All three of us started to dance and we were all having a fun time dancing when all of a sudden I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I turned around and saw one of the many worst prince in the many dimensions, his name is Kyle. "Hi Star. How have you been? You look lovely tonight." Kyle said. I rolled my eyes. Eww! "I'm good and thanks." I said with no emotion.

"Would you like to dance with me tonight?" Kyle asked me. I looked behind Kyle and saw Tom and a idea came to my mind. "Actually, I already have someone to dance with." Kyle raised his left eyebrow. "And who would that be?" Kyle asked me. "Prince Thomas Lucitor." I told him. "Who?" Kyle asked me again and I pointed towards Tom.

"Bye Kyle." I walked past him and walked towards Tom. "Hey Tom, would you like to dance with me?" I asked him and he agreed. We dance together and I looked over to see Kyle mad. I laughed and Tom gave me a weird look. "Why are you laughing Star?" Tom asked me. "Oh well, I'm laughing because it's fun just hanging out with you." Even though I lied, Tom believed me.


All throughout the night I was with Tom I left my best friends to hang out with a prince. And it was fun. Tom and I talked about everything and anything that came to our mind. And right now we're both in my bedroom still having a nice and fun conversation with each other.

"Wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that you like Love Sentence." I asked Tom. "Yeah I do. It's not my fault their songs are so catchy." Tom said. "Yeah they are pretty catchy. Hey how about me and you hang out at the mall tomorrow, just us two. What do you say?" I asked him. "That sounds like a great idea. How about I give you my number." Tom said and I nodded. Tom walked over to my mirror and put his number in.

"Well Star, I will see you tomorrow. Call me when you're ready to go to the mall. Bye." Tom gave me a small hug and left my bedroom.

"I will see you tomorrow." I said looking out my window.


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