Chapter 31

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⚠️ Warning! This chapter is dark, so if you don't want to read it then wait for chapter 32. It's your choice if you want to read it or not. ⚠️

Star P.O.V

"But we both know he's wrong. You know Tom just like I do and you know that he wouldn't hurt me in anyway." I told my best friend everything that went down a few minutes ago.

"Of course I do Star. Marco is and always will be wrong." Pony said. "Well Marco isn't always wrong." I responded. "I mean relationship wise." Pony said.

"Now that I told you everything, how about we go shopping. I really need it." Pony finally smiled at me and she was excited to go. "Finally!"

Me and PonyHead were having so much fun, but all fun must come to an end. I heard my phone ringing and I answered it.

"Hi mom!" I answered. "Star, where are you right now?" She questioned me. "I'm with PonyHead, why?" I asked my mom. "Just come home please. There's someone here who wants to meet you." My mother said. "Fine." I hanged up and said my goodbye at Pony and headed home.
"MOM! WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled. I soon saw a servant and questioned him where my mother was. "Queen Moon is in the throne room." The servant answered. "Thanks." I said and ran towards the throne room.

Once I entered I saw my worst nightmare come true. There he stood with a cocky smile on his stupid face. "Princess Star, don't you look beautiful today."

I felt discussed pure hatred towards him. "Mom why is he here? Don't you remember what he did to me?" I questioned my mother.

"Star hear him out, please." My mom said to which I turned to him and gave him a 'tell me what you want to say' look to which he started speaking.

"There's this party tonight, but the only catch is that I need a date. So I thought why not you? That's why I came here, to ask the Queen if it was  ok and she said yes. Please princess, your my last hope." He said.

"Mother I don't want to go. Plus I'm busy tonight." I said.

"Star cancel everything you were planning on doing and go with him." My mom said. I was about to protest again when a wicked idea come into my mind. "Fine mom I will do it." I told her.

I was in my room getting dressed I put on a simple green dress and green flats and went downstairs only to see my mom and him talking.

"I'm ready!" I said. Both of them looked over at me and I sighed. "You look beautiful sweetie." My mom told me.

"Ready to go princess?" He said. I replied with a simple yes and soon both me and him were in his carriage.

"So where's the party?" I asked him. He gave me a wicked smile and quickly sat next to me. "There's no party. It's just me and you." He whispered in my ear to which I felt shivers going down my spine, but soon I remembered my wicked idea.

"Prince Kyle, we are here!" The carriage driver yelled. "Let's have some fun." Kyle once again whispered into my ear. "Ok." I gave him a wink and we got off only to see that we were at the bounce lounge. We walked right in but instead of staying in the main area we were head to were all the exclusive people were and when I mean exclusive I mean stuck up prince and princesses.

Kyle got greeted as if he was a king. There were so many 'what's up' and 'Kyle is finally here' ect. I hated every minute of it.

Kyle didn't once payed any attention to his friends instead all his focus was on me. He never once left my side and to be honest his hands were going to place only Tom's hands should be, but I was ok with it because he will soon see that you shouldn't mess with a demon's girlfriend.

The night went on like that and right now I'm sitting down and he is in the restroom. Which is perfect for me. I grabbed my phone and called Tom.

"Tom are you home?" I asked him. "Yeah. Why?" He questioned me. "Let's just say, that you should get your toys out because tonight would be a very fun night filled with horrifying scream." I said ending with a wicked smile on my face. "Sure Starship. Who's the victim tonight? A theft?" Tom asked me. "It's a surprise and trust me when I say this. You will love this surprise." I told him.

I was about to hang up when Tom suddenly asked me something. "All of the toys?" I responded with a simple yes and hanged up.

Kyle finally came back to me and my plan was going perfectly. "Hey Kyle I was thinking if I could choose where to go." I asked him. "Sure baby." Kyle said. "Ok but you have to put on a blindfold it's a surprise." I told him. "Ok." Kyle gave me his scissors and before I opened the portal I covered his eyes.

"Are you ready?" I asked him and he just said yep. I opened the portal and I was standing exactly where I wanted to be and I saw Tom and I gave him and smile.

"Can I opened up my eyes now?" Kyle asked me. "Hold my hand I'm going to walk us over to a bench." I lied. Instead of me holding his hand Tom grabbed it and was taking him into a cage. Meanwhile I sat in a chair watching.

Tom took off Kyle's blindfold and Kyle's face said it all. "Where the hell am I?" He asked me and I just laughed. "We are going to have some fun." I told him and Tom walked out of the cage and closed the door and walked up to me and gave me a kiss. "What did he do?" Tom asked me and I whispered to Tom all the things Kyle did to me to which Tom quickly got mad.

Tom walked up to the desk that was in front of me and grabbed a whip that had nails on the very end. "Do you want him to suffer Starship?" Tom asked me. I looked straight into Kyle's eyes and fear was written all over them. "Yes. Make him suffer."

Tom quickly walked into the cage with the whip in his right hand and once I heard Kyle scream, that's when pure satisfaction came. The more Tom hurt him the louder the screams became and more blood came out with every whip, slash, stab and soon enough I decided that I wanted to play.

I grabbed a knife and walked into the cage and stand next to Tom. "You two are psychos!" Kyle yelled and some blood came out of his mouth.

"Actually, we are not psychos we are just having some fun." I poked Kyle's nose. "Isn't that right babe." I told Tom to which Tom just kissed me and said, "Have fun baby. I'm gonna go clean these torcher devices and I will be right back so we can go sleep." I gave Tom a kiss and with that Tom left and I was left alone with Kyle.

"My turn!" I said happily.

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