Chapter 19

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I saw the whole scene unravel in front of me. Star was slowly getting mad at this Marco guy and I knew that Star would either start to scream at the top of her lungs or she would start crying.

Sure enough I saw her hug herself and then she dropped to the floor. I quickly hanged up and grabbed my dimensional scissors and opened up a portal to Star's bedroom.

I walked through the portal and I saw this Marco kid slowly reaching out to help Star, but I stopped him by pushing his aside. I walked up to Star and picked her up bride style and she wrapped her arms around me and slowly started to cry.

"I'm here Starship." I told her and walked through the portal back to my bedroom. I laid her down on my bed and removed the horns I gave her. "I'm going to sleep on the ground." I told her.

Star didn't say a word instead she padded the bed and I laid down next to her. "Should I put a pillow in between us?" I asked. Instead she moved closer to me and wrapped her arm around me and she slowly closed her eyes.

I felt a smile grow on my face. "Goodnight Starship."

I woke up only to see Star still snuggled up with me. I should make her breakfast. I slowly stood up from my bed and walked towards the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen I ordered my breakfast and Star's usual breakfast and add a red rose. I walked carefully back to my room and I was surprised that she was awake.

"Morning. I brought you breakfast." I handed her her breakfast tray and she gave me a small smile. "Thanks Tom!" Star said and started to eat. We both ate in silence.

When we were both done with our breakfast we just sat on my bed not saying a word. I wanted to tell her how much I missed her and how much I wanted to get back together but knowing Star she won't listen. I heard her sigh and she carefully placed her head on my shoulder and grabbed my right hand.

"Tom." Star paused and bit her bottom lip. "I used to have nightmares about you and me. And honestly right now I don't want this to be a nightmare. I want this to be real." Star squeezed my hand. But it soon went back to complete silence.

Star's P.O.V

I sat next to Tom with my left hand holding his right hand. There was silence between us. "Star." I heard Tom. I didn't answer him because we both know I'm hearing him speak. "I also had nightmares about us. Those nightmares haunted me for two weeks that eventually I stopped going to sleep."

"Tell me." I said and Tom let out a sigh.

"Well the first nightmare was horrible. It started off with us in a pitch black room and you were under a spotlight hugging yourself, crying constantly and the only thing that you kept on saying was, "Why? Why Tom?" And all I wanted to do was to hug you and tell you that everything was okay, but I was glued to the floor and I couldn't move." I heard him say. I was about to tell him about my nightmare but he continued speaking.

"The second nightmare was horrible too. It started off the same way me and you in the dark room. You were crying and kept saying the same words and I was still glued to the floor, but this time in the background I saw all of the happiest moments between us slowly fading away. And honestly the three one was the worst of them." Tom let out a sigh.

"It was the same nightmare but this time I wasn't glued to the floor instead I ran up to you and once I was close to you you started to yell, "Get away from me you monster!" I was upset hearing those words but it broke my heart when you said, "I can't believe I loved a monster like you." After that nightmare I couldn't sleep again." Tom told me and once again I squeezed his hand.

"It was only a nightmare." I told him.

"Tell me your nightmares." Tom told me and I sighed.

"Okay." I said.

I hoped you guys liked this chapter. I will continue the second part to this chapter.

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