Chapter 23

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Marco P.O.V

School was finally out and now I'm headed home to go check up on Star.

I was walking alone until someone screamed into my ear. "MARCO!" I turned around only to see Janna.

"What do you want Janna?" I asked her. "Why wasn't Star at school today? I wanted to tell her something important." Janna told me.

"She went to Mewin to talk with her parents, but I'm pretty sure she's back. You wanted to come with me?" I asked her. "Sure." Janna said.

Janna and I walked into my house and both of us went upstairs to Star's bedroom. I knocked before we entered and she didn't answer instead the person who answered it was Glossaryck.

"Star's asleep but I think you should wake her up she's been asleep since she got here." Glossaryck told me.

"How much time has Star been asleep?" I asked the little magical man. "About five whole hours. When she came she seemed upset and she looked like she was crying." Glossaryck told me.

Both me and Janna walked towards a sleeping Star and I told Janna to wake her up. Janna got on Star's bed and started to jump.

Star quickly woke up and screamed. "JANNA, STOP JUMPING!" Janna got down and hugged Star.

"That little blue guy told us that you been sleeping for five hours and you came home upset and crying. What happened?" Janna asked Star and she didn't answer her.

"Did something happened on Mewin?" I asked her and she didn't answer me either.

"Nothing happened. Sooo ... Janna banana why are you here?" Star looked at Janna. "Because there's going to be a party tomorrow night and the host will be Jackie. Oh and also Oscar is going to be there. You want to come?"

Star's eyes lit up and she had the biggest smile on her face. "Totally! We should go to the mall and buy an outfit. Oh and Marco should come with us. What do you say Marco?" Star looked over at me and I thought about it.

"Anything for you Star." Star grabbed her wand and both her and Janna were out the door. Before I walked out of Star's room I felt a hand on my left shoulder I turned around and saw Glossaryck. "Mewin. Tom." Glossaryck only said those two words and soon my mind was thinking about what happened back on Mewin.

Tom P.O.V

After Star left and I signed the paperwork that Star's parents brought I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done. I shouldn't have kissed her. I thought to myself.

That's when I made a plan. "I should stay away from Star. I should just leave her alone and not think about her." I said out loud. I walked up to my mirror and went to my contacts. I stopped when I saw Star's name on it. "Here I go." I took a deep breath and pushed the delete button.

After I did that I felt like someone new but at the same time I felt like I regret doing that. "I did this for her."

I quickly grabbed my dimensional scissors and opened up a portal to the bounce lounge. I walked into the bounce lounge and started to dance. I was having fun but soon I regret coming because I saw Pony Head.

Pony Head saw me and was floating towards me. "Tom my bestie told me everything that happened this morning. And let me tell you she was crying her eyes out." Pony said.

"Pony Head I'm going to be honest with you, I regret kissing her and also I deleted her number from my mirror."

Pony Head had a very shocked face when I told her that I deleted Star's number. "You deleted her number! But I thought you loved my bestie with all your heart." I nodded my head as a response. "You are coming over to my place this instant." Pony started to float away from me and I followed her.


I was at Pony's house and we went to her bedroom. "Sit down demon, and tell me why you deleted my best friends number."

I was about to tell her everything but her mirror was ringing. Pony floated over to her mirror and she answered it.

"Hi earth turd. What do you want?" Pony said kinda rudely. How is Star her best friend?

"Pony Head did Star tell you anything about what happened today?" I recognized that voice anywhere. That's when my blood started to boil.

"Look Marco, I'm busy right now. Just ask Star she will tell you." Pony said.

"That's the thing, I asked her and she didn't give me an answer." Marco said. I got up from Pony's bed and walked up to Pony's mirror and just by looking at Marco I started to get mad.

"If Star doesn't want to tell you then that's her decision. And you should get out of her room!" I told Marco. Marco just laughed at me.

"Star's my best friend so I can be in her room if I want to and you don't have a say in it." That's when I was at my breaking point. I could feel my body slowly start to light up. "Hey wait, you can tell me what made Star so upset." Marco said and that's when I cut the call.

"HEY! What's the big idea." Pony Head said. That's when I left Pony's house.


I was back in my bedroom when an evil idea came into my head. I ran towards the castle's library and looked through all the books when I finally found the book I was looking for.

"Here you are!" I grabbed the book and I looked at it. "Your going to help me get my Starship back."

I flipped through all the the pages and finally found the spell I was looking for. "Naysaya."

I was about to do the spell when something I saw on the next page caught my eye. "What's a blood moon?" I read the description and I had a better idea. I took the book with me and walked back to my room.

"Star, your going to be my girlfriend again." I said out loud.

I hoped you guys liked it.

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