Chapter 10

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I woke up only to see Star still laying next to me. She still had her arms wrapped around me and she looked so peacefully asleep and if I made one wrong move then I would wake her up. I saw her slowly waking up and I smiled at her when she saw me. "Morning Tom." Star gave me a small smile. "Morning Star." I told her. Star sat up and looked around my room.

"I can't believe I slept over! My mom is going to kill me." Star said and started to pull her long blonde hair. "Star calm down I'm pretty sure she isn't going to kill you." I told her and she was about to say something but I heard my mirror ringing. We both looked over at it and I saw Star's name.

Star quickly ran towards my mirror and answered it. "Hi mommy." Star whispered low enough for her mom to hear. "Star you are in so much trouble young lady.  Once you step foot in this castle you better come to my office. Is that clear Star?" Star nodded her head and she hanged up my mirror.

Star went back to my bed and laid down again. "Hey Star, can you tell me why you wanted to leave so quickly last night?" I asked her and she let out a sigh.


Star P.O.V

"Hey Star, can you tell me why you wanted to leave so quickly last night?" Tom asked me and I let out a sigh. Before I said something I grabbed one of Tom's pillows and hugged it. "Well Tom the reason why I wanted to leave so quickly was because, do you remember that guy I was dancing with?" I asked Tom and he nodded.

"Well he wanted to kiss me. That's why I ran away from him and I asked you if we could leave. And the reason why I laid down on your bed was because A. I was sleepy and B. I didn't want to go back to my room and face my mom." I told him and he didn't say anything instead he removed the pillow I was hugging and he wrapped his arms around me taking me into a comfortable hug. I didn't push him away because this is what I need just a comfortable hug and it's better that a friend hugs you.

I hugged him tighter and I'm glad he's a demon because my hug was really tight. "Star I know you don't want to go home but you will eventually so how about we have a fun time today and just forget about last night." Tom said not letting go of me. "I would really love that, but I don't want to be in a really puffy dress." I told him and he laughed. "Well I can fix that." Tom pulled away and snapped his fingers together and the dress I was wearing now turned into a pair of black leggings and a simple red shirt. I gave Tom another hug and smiled. "This is way better than the dress I was just wearing."

"So what do you want to do first?" Tom asked me. "Well I am hungry." I told him and he nodded his head and stood in front of me with his back towards me. "You want a piggy back ride?" Tom asked me and I quickly hopped on his back. "On word prince Thomas!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and Tom laughed.


Once me and Tom were done eating our breakfast we finally decide to go to a underworld beach. "This is so cool." I ran towards the water and I looked at Tom who was just laughing at me. "Come on in!" I yelled at him. Tom walked into the water and I started to splash water on him. "Ha I got you!" I pointed at him and Tom started to swim towards me and grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down.

When I came back up I punched him. "Why do you always punch me? I don't get why. I mean I'm not doing anything wrong." Tom told me and I laughed at him. "Because it's fun to punch you." I told him. Tom walked out of the water and walked away from me. I followed behind him and I put a hand on his left shoulder. "Tom." I said and he took me by surprise by spinning me around.

"Tom! Let me go. I'm getting dizzy." Tom let me go and we ended up laughing. "Star I don't want to be that type of guy, but I think you should go back home. I'm pretty sure your parents are worried about you." Tom said. I sighed because I know it's true. "Okay Tom."


I'm finally home and I go my mom's office and open the door. "Well look who finally showed up." my mom told me without picking up her head. "Mom I-" I started but I didn't finished because she cut me off. "Star you are grounded for a week. I don't want to hear one word out of you." my mom told me and with that I left.

I ran towards my parents bedroom and I knocked on the door. "Dad?" My dad opened the door and moved aside so I could come in. "Dad mom didn't want to listen to me, so I came to you so you can understand why I left and I didn't come home last night." I sat down on my parents bed. "Tell me what happened." my dad said and I nodded.

"What happened last night is when I started to dance with the other guy he tried to kiss me. So I ran away from him and told Tom that I wanted to leave. And I ended up sleeping in Tom's bed." I told my dad and he just gave me a hug. "Oh sweetie, the most important thing is that you're safe and that Tom kept you safe. Now how about we go to bed it's get dark out." my dad gave me a kind and warm smile and I gave him a hug. "Okay dad. Goodnight." I told him and walked away.


I was in my room ready to go to bed but I saw Tom on my balcony. I motioned him to come in and he sat on my bed. "So are you grounded for life?" he asked me and I laughed. "No just for a week. So what are you doing here?" I said. "What? I can't see one of my favorite friends." Tom said. I was about to say something but I heard a knock on my door. "Star." It was my mom my eyes widen. "Under my bed." I told Tom and he quickly hid.

"Come in." My mom opened the door and sat next to me on my bed. "Star your father told me what happened. I'm sorry for not hearing you out first." I stood up and let out a laugh. "You never listen to me and when you do you don't give me motherly advice you give me queen advice. That's why I tell almost everything to my dad."

I saw my mom's eyes and she looked hurt but she quickly recollected herself. "Star how about this I remove your punishment and instead you won't be able to talk to Thomas for a week." my mom said and my eyes widen. "I would rather be grounded than not be able to talk to Tom."

"Sweetie I'm going to ask you a question. Do you have feelings for Thomas?" my mom asked me and my eyes widen. I can't answer that question because Tom is under my bed right now. "Mom we're just friends. I don't feel anything towards Tom. I mean Tom is a really nice and sweet guy but I don't have feelings for him." I told her.

"Star don't you hear the way your talking about him?" my mom told me and I paused to rethink on what I just told my mom. "Mom I think you should leave. I'm tired and I'm pretty sure you're tired too." I opened my bedroom door and I was waiting for her to left. "Very well then Star goodnight." my mom left.

"You can come out now Tom." Tom came out of hiding and just looked at me with no emotion on his face nothing at all. "Tom." I waved a hand in front of his face. "Goodnight Star. Sleep well." Tom said and walked out to the balcony. I wanted to say something else anything really but nothing came out. Instead I laid down on my bed and let out a sigh. "What did I do." I said out loud.  

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