Chapter 3

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"Come out Star. We want to see you." I came out of Pony's bathroom and I was wearing a simple white dress with a cute little pink heart at the bottom of the dress with some white boots and they both had pink hearts too.

"Aww you look so you!" Pony head and Kelly said at the same time. "Really?" I walked up to a mirror and looked at myself up and down. "I guess I do look cute. But what if Tom doesn't like it?" I asked them. "He will like it. Trust us." Kelly said and gave me a big smile.

"Okay girls let's go to the bounce lounge." I told my best friends and they gave me a serious look. "Girl we love you and all, but we can't go." both of my best friends said. "Please! Pretty please with a cherry on top!" I begged them.

"Okay fine, but only because we love you."

Me and my best friends walked into the bounce lounge at exactly 7pm. "Oh girls this is our song!" Pony Head told us and all of us started to dance.

After three song of dancing, I went to buy a chocolate milkshake. "One chocolate milkshake please." I sat down and looked into the crowd. Where's Tom? Did he forget? I told myself. "Here you go miss." a waiter said. "Thanks."

I pulled out my mirror phone and looked at the time, 7:25pm. "I guess he isn't coming." I walked up to Pony Head. "Pony I'm leaving. Tom didn't come. See you later bestie!" I gave her a hug and walked out.


Tom P.O.V
After hanging out with Star I went back to my house and I regret walking in. "Oh son, please come with me." my dad said. "Dad I'm kinda in a hurry. I have to go to the bounce lounge." I was about to take a step but my dad didn't let me. "Thomas this is more important than going to the bounce lounge. Now follow me please."

Well, I didn't expect to sit in a chair and sign papers. "Dad what time is it?" I asked him. "Right now it's seven pm." my eyes widened and I got up and ran into my room.

I took a quick shower and changed into a black tux and once again I looked at the clock. 7:20pm. I'm 20 minutes late!

I called for a carriage and I jumped in, "To the bounce lounge. NOW!" I said.


I was finally at the bounce lounge and I saw Pony Head dancing. I walked up to her, "Hey Pony Head. Where's Star?" I asked her. And her eyes widened and soon she got mad.

"You stood up my bestie! And to think she got all cute and dressed up for you!" Pony told me. I sighed and told Pony everything that happened. "Oh well just tell her what you just told me and she will give you a second chance."
Pony told me and I just nodded.

Star P.O.V
I walked into the castle and walked up to my parents room. I knocked on their door and my dad opened the door. "Star sweetie how are you?" my dad asked me and I gave him a small smile. "I'm good dad, but I want to talk to mom."

My mom came to view and gave me a nodded. "Let's go to the flower garden." Both me and mom walked in silence.

We finally got to the flower garden and sat at bench. "Mom I'm so sorry for leaving my princess lesson. And specially for a prince." I told her. "It's okay Star I forgive you, but it's rude for a princess to run away from a queen. And running from your mother is more rude." my mom told me. Leave it to my mom to say something about being a princess.

"Well that's not even the worst part. I skipped my lesson for prince Thomas Luictor. And I was also going to hangout with him at the bounce lounge but he never showed up." I told my mom.

"Is that why you're dressed up so nicely?" my mom asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah Pony thought it was a date. It wasn't." I told her. My mom laughed, "Of course Pony would think about it that way." It is very rare for me and my mom to have these kinda talks and it's more rare to hear her laugh.

"Hey mom I just had a bright idea! How about I throw a party only for the princesses and princes. Just a little get together, you know to get over what happened tonight." I told her.

"Star that's a great idea. But will you invite prince Thomas Luictor?" my mom asked me. "Well prince Thomas Luictor is a prince but at the same time I want to forget about tonight." I told her.

My mom put both of her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "Star I am raising you to be a great princess and I know you will do the right thing." she told me.

I gave her a small smile, "Okay mom." I told her. "Okay well we should go to bed." my mom said and we both got up and went to our bedrooms.

Tom P.O.V

I was heading up to Star's bedroom but I had to past through the garden. And I hide behind a bush when I heard Queen Moon's voice.

"Is that why you're dressed up so nicely?" I heard Queen Moon say. Soon I heard Star's voice, "Yeah Pony thought it was a date. It wasn't."

I heard Queen Moon laugh and then I heard Star's voice again. "Hey mom I just had a bright idea! How about I throw a party only for the princesses and princes. Just a little get together, you know to get over what happened tonight."

Did I really hurt her that bad? I asked myself. "Star that's a great idea. But will you invite prince Thomas Luictor?" Queen Moon asked Star. Of course Star will invite me. I am a prince after all.

"Well prince Thomas Luictor is a prince but at the same time I want to forget about tonight." Star said.

After Star said that I left and headed home. I guess that's a no. I told myself.

Well chapter 3 is kinda sad but the next one will be happy!

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