Chapter 28

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I pulled away from Tom and smiled. "Well that was very unexpected and nice." Tom said. I walked towards Tom's bed and laid on it.

"Time to sleep." Tom laid on the bed and we both said goodnight to each other.

Marco's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep no matter how much I tossed and turned. I couldn't stop thinking about Star. Is she okay? Was all my mind thought of.

I couldn't help but to think on how Queen Moon and King River were fine with Star sleeping with Tom.

Stop worrying. Star is fine. My mind kept telling me.

I let out a sigh I got up and walked down stairs to drink some warm milk. "This will get me to sleep and keep me calm for the night."

I woke up when my alarm went off. Instead of walking towards the bathroom to take a shower I walked into Star's bedroom. I walked up to her mirror and called Ponyhead.

"Hi Marco." Pony said.

"Good morning Pony." I let out a sigh and went straight in. "Pony do you know were Star is?"

"Yeah. Star is at Tom's house. She called me about an hour ago. Why?" Ponyhead asked with curiosity.

"Nothing really, but can you tell me what she told you."  I asked her.

"Well to keep it short and simple all Star told me was that she was going to spend a whole day with Tom and that she was going to tell him something SUPER important." Pony told me.

"What do you mean by important?" I asked her.

"Well lets just say she kept on talking about second chances." Pony winked at me as if I knew what she was saying.

"Okay thanks Pony. Bye." I hanged up the called and got on with my daily routine.

Star's P.O.V

"So Tom where do you want to go now? We have been to almost every place we could think of." I told Tom.

"Well we could go to that one dimension where everything is upside down." Tom said.

"I went there a few days ago." I answered him. "Well where do you want to go?" Tom asked me. To which I knew exactly where to go or better yet, take him.

"I know where, but we will have to change clothes first." Tom looked at me with curiosity. I grabbed both of his hands and looked at him. "Trust me."

Tom nodded his head and I hugged him. "Can you open a portal so I can go back to earth please." I asked kindly. Tom grabbed his dimensional scissors and I walked through it and I was back in my room on earth.

Marco's P.O.V

I heard noises coming from Star's bedroom. "She back!" I said. I got up from my bed and ran to Star's bedroom. I knocked on her door and I got a reply. "Hold on a minute I'm changing clothes."

After about 5 minuets Star's door opened and I saw her in black shorts and a pink shirt that had a star on it. "Hey Marco! It's been so long." Star told me. "Where were you? And where are you going dressed like that?" I asked her.

"I'm going to meet up with Tom." She said. Why is it always Tom. "Why are you spending so much time with that demon?" I said.

"What did you say?" Star crossed her arms. "You heard me. Why are you spending so much time with that demon?" I told her again.

"Do you have something against Tom? Because if you do then I want to know." Star said coldly. "Of course I have something against him. He is a horrible person. No, you know what he isn't a horrible person he's a terrifying person. He doesn't care about anybody except for himself."

After I finished I got a good slap from Star. "How dare you say that about Tom! You don't even know him like I do. When you look at Tom all you see is a demon a monster. Well guess what Marco he is much more than that."

"You can't be serious, don't you remember the blood moon ball and I'm pretty sure there's more. Maybe like the reason you broke up with him." After I said all of that I knew I hit a nerve.

"Don't talk about something you don't even know about. So stop assuming things." Star got mad quickly and to be honest she was kinda right I don't know how they broke up but one thing I'm sure about is that Tom is a monster.


Hope you guys liked this.

P.S. Thanks to the people that told me to update, I suck at updating 😂

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