Chapter 11

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We're just friends. Those words were stuck in my mind. I know Star would never like me in that way, but the real question is do I like her that way.

Well Star is a super nice and kind girl. She's the only girl I'm friends with. Technically Star is my only true friend. She's the total opposite of me. She isn't like any other girl I met before. She's a really good listener. AND she's the only girl I actually care about.

Could I actually like Star that way? I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard my mirror ringing. I saw Star's name on it.

"Hey Tom. So umm, about what happened last night I was just thinking if we could just move on from it." I heard every word that came out of Star's mouth but at the same time I was looking at all her features. The way she twirls her index finger around her long blonde hair when she's nervous. The way she moves her head to the side to see if your listening to her.

"Mewin to Tom?" Star waved a hand and I let out a laugh. "Yeah we can definitely move on from that. So what are you going to do today?" I asked her. "Nothing. I'm grounded remember." Star said. "Oh right." I scratched the back of my head. "What about you?" She asked me. "Well nothing really." I lied to her.

"Oh. Hey can you stop by later today? I want to tell you something face to face." Star bit her bottom lip. "Sure okay." I said and Star just gave me a smile and hanged up.

Star P.O.V

I walked into my closet and grabbed a notebook and a pink pen. I sat on my bed and started to write in my notebook.

Nov 20
Last night my mom asked me if I liked Tom. Even though I told her 'we're just friends' I don't know how to feel. I'm confused and I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't know how to feel. He did hear everything. What if I hurt him? What if he actually likes me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend? Oh god no!

I closed my notebook and placed it underneath my bed. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. "This isn't helping not one bit." I said. I laid down on my bed and let sleep consume me into a nap.

Tom P.O.V

Right now I'm with a group of my 'friends' I needed to do something to distract me from Star.

"Tom hurry up!" I heard Joe say. I nodded and ran towards them. "So here's the plan. We're going to graffiti the Butterfly castle. I found a place were there's no guards." Joe said.

"The Butterfly castle. As in King River's and Queen Moon's castle?" I asked and Joe nodded. "But isn't that a crime?" I asked and Joe crossed his arms and looked at me.

"Since when have you ever cared about royalty? It's not like your a prince or anything." Joe said. That's right these so called 'friends' don't know I'm actually royalty. "Well I don't care let's go." I punched his arm and he nodded.

I really hope we don't get caught or else I'm in big trouble.

Star P.O.V

I woke up from a very nice and relaxing nap. I looked at my clock, 8:30 pm. Well Tom should be coming soon I might as well eat before he comes.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and I saw a chef. "Princess Star! What would you like?" the chef asked. "A dozen of chocolate cupcakes with pink and red frosting on them." I said and the chef started to do his job.

"Star?" I turned around only to face my mom. "Hi mom. I'm down here because I'm hungry." I rubbed my belly. "I can see that. But what were you doing all day?" my mom asked me. "I took a nap. Why?" I asked. "Oh because Pony came by and asked me were you where. She said she wanted to talk to you."

"Okay I will call her." I said and the chef came back. "Here you go a dozen chocolate cupcakes fresh out of the oven!" I gave the chef a smile and grabbed all of the cupcakes and walked back to my room.

Once I was in my room I placed my cupcakes on my bed and grabbed one and walked up to my mirror. "Call PonyHead."

It rang three times before Pony answered. "Star! I been thinking about what you and your mom talked about last night and it kinda sounds like she's right. Think about it B-fly."

I thought about all the fun times me and Tom had and all the memories made me smile. "I need to talk to Tom. Bye Pony." I gave my bestie a smile and hanged up.

"Call Tom."

Tom answered and I gave him a smile. "Tom can you come over I need to talk to you like right now." I told him and Tom nodded his head and hanged up.

I saw a portal open up in my room and Tom came out of it. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him giving him a tight hug. "I'm so happy that you're a demon! Because that means I can hug you as tight as I want." I pulled away and looked at him.

"Tom I don't want to be friends with you or even best friends. I want us to be something more. You know?"

Tom wrapped his arms around me and gave me a smile. "I would like that very much Star." I placed my head on his chest and I could hear his heart beat which made me smile.

I can't believe it! He likes me back! And now I'm his.

I really hope you guys enjoyed it!

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