Chapter 9

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"So Kelly can I ask you something, because it's really important." I looked at Kelly through my my mirror. "Sure Star. What is it?" Kelly said.

"Well I'm going to a boring dinner party and my mom told me that I could invite Pony Head since she's a princess. So I asked her if she wanted to go but she said no. And well I can only invite royalty. So I was thinking about maybe inviting Tom. But I don't think he will agree. So I'm asking you if I should ask him to come with me. What do you think I should do?" I told her.

"Well I would invite him. It's better than being alone and bored at a dinner party." Kelly told me. I nodded at my friend. "Okay thanks Kelly. Bye!" I hanged up my mirror and called Tom.

"Hey Tom I was wondering if you would like to come with me to a dinner party tonight. I asked Pony Head to come with me but she said no. So would you like to come with me?" I asked him. "Sure Star I would go with you. What time should I be there?" Tom said. "In one hour." I told him and he nodded. "Okay bye Star." Tom gave me a smile and hanged up.

"Time to get dressed." I walked into my closet and got dressed. Once I was done I looked at myself in my mirror and smiled. "Nice Star." I told myself.


It's been one hour and me and my parents are waiting for Tom to come. "Star honey where is Tom? You know I don't like being late." my mom told me. "He's right there mom." I pointed towards Tom that was coming towards our direction.

"King River and Queen Moon lovely to see you again." Tom bowed and my parents gave him a smile and all four of us entered a carriage. My mom looked at me, "Star remember be on your best behavior." I nodded at my mom.

"We're here." the driver told us. The carriage door opened and all of us got off. Me and Tom were walking behind my parents. I looked towards Tom and smiled at him. "I'm so happy your here with me. Thanks once again." I told him. "Of course Star."

Once we entered my eyes widen this wasn't just a dinner party, this was way worse than a dinner party. It was prince Kyle's birthday party I ran towards my mom and pulled on her arm. "Mom you told me this was a dinner party not a prince's party." My mom rolled her eyes at me. "Star I lied to you because I knew you wouldn't want to come. That's why I told you that you could bring a friend. Plus it's kinda important we come." my mom told me.

I walked back towards Tom and punched his arm. "What was that for Star? I didn't do anything to you." Tom said. "I'm sorry it's just that I'm mad at my mom and I wanted to punch something, so I kinda punched you." I told him. "Well your lucky I'm a demon because if I was a human that would hurt ten times worse." Tom said and I started to laugh. I felt eyes on me and Tom so I stopped laughing.

"Okay so what should we do?" I asked him. "There isn't that much to do I mean look around." Tom said and I looked around. It was true there isn't anything we can do this party is so boring all I see is king's and queen's talking and prince's and princesses talking as well. "Well we could dance. Even though it's a slow song. It's way better than just standing here like everyone else." Tom nodded and we walked towards the dance floor. Tom wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We just danced to the slow song and looked at each other. Tom pulled me closer to him and I let out a small smile. "You know you have a very beautiful smile." Tom told me and I laughed at his comment. "Well you have very cool horns." I told him and Tom blushed. "You know Tom you're an amazing guy." I told him and once again he pulled me closer to him. "Thanks Star."


Tom P.O.V

Star is so close to me and I like the feeling. Star laid her head on my chest and I looked down at her. She had her eyes closed and a smile on her face which only caused me to smile. We were both dancing peacefully but some guy had to ruin it by tapping Star's shoulder.

"Star may I have this dance?" the guy said. Star looked up at the guy and her smile dropped with in milliseconds. "Actually I-" Star stopped talking because she was looking at something behind the guy. I followed her gaze and she was looking at her mom. "Yes I would like to dance." Star said and left my side and went with the guy.

I went to go sit down on an empty chair and I kept my eyes on Star. Star looked annoyed and then she quickly pulled away and she was running towards me. "Tom let's go I don't want to be here anymore." Star said in a sad voice. I grabbed her hand pulled out my dimensional scissors and opened a portal and walked through it and we were back in my room.

Star let go of my hand and laid on my bed and put the covers over her head. "Star what happened?" I asked her but she didn't answer me instead she patted the empty side on my bed and I laid next to her. "Star?" I asked her again. And instead of answering me she wrapped her arms around me and moved closer to me.

"Thank you Tom." Star cracked a smile and closed her eyes and within seconds she was asleep. I removed her crown and placed it on my bed side table. "Sweet dreams Star." I whispered and closed my eyes.

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