Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six:

( Kismet)

(I had to re write the beginning because I accidentally cut it off. If it doesn't make sense I apologize.)

Sorry for what?" Ye-Jun hopes that what Jin wasn't doing was apologizing for what he did and asking to forgive him because then he would be loosing Namjoon.

Namjoon at the moment was his everything. He's the love of his life and the thought of losing him to the man who used to had him makes him harder for him to breathe.

For Jin, seeing Ye-Jun with Namjoon was the brink of his misery. The love of his of life with another man was foremost, the hardest thing he has to endure. Seeing him there looking back at them and questioning his apology is destroying his confession to Namjoon and he knows that Namjoon is going to disregard it for the love of his life at the moment.

"He was apologizing for not advising me earlier that his class got cancelled," Namjoon stammers, looking back and forth from Seokjin to Ye-Jun.

"That's right," Seokjin agrees as well, his heart slowing down after Namjoon had broken the intense moment. It hurts him but having been taken the attention from him makes him less self-conscious and he stop himself from saying something he shouldn't

Ye-Jun nods, ferociously without saying anything. Then he smiles, a gentle but killing smile as he approaches Namjoon. He swiftly gives him a smooch on the cheek and then proceeds to enter the kitchen, one huge leap from the three steps that the stair has.

"Hello, Seokjoon! What are you eating?" Ye-Jun asks with a sweet voice, angelic.

Namjoon and Seokjin watch Ye-Jun be as calm with their son but his posture is forced and firm. He doesn't like the situation and both of the parents could feel it in their bones.

Slowly they turn away from watching Ye-Jun to making eye contact with each other. Namjoon's eyes bore into his, the words left unsaid were still lingering in their minds, their mouths shut with regret and hurt.

"Thank you," Seokjin says, whispering, afraid to be heard by the man who took his love away.

"I, uh," Namjoon tries to say... something. Anything. Ye-Jun is in the kitchen yet he still wants to take Seokjin into his arms and accept the apology that just a few minutes ago was interrupted.

"I was meaning to ask you something," Seokjin says changing the conversation and stirring the atmosphere from intense to relaxing.

"Yeah, what is it?" Namjoon bites his bottom lip and pretends to look away but he studies Seokjin from the corner of his peripheral vision. Seokjin has his hands on his waist, the bend of his elbows showing how skinny his arms have become.

Namjoon studies Seokjin's face once he turns his head back to face him. Although his face is young, fresh and beautiful, he still carries the look of a tired mother, who has aged tremendously. Seokjin carries the weight of his worries, troubles, stresses into his face. The delicate skin is being stretched into constant worry for his brothers.

Namjoon wants to take those worries from him and turn them into things of the past. But he's not his boyfriend anymore and helping too much will mean that he still cares for him like he did when they were together. Helping him would mean that he still has feelings for Seokjin. And that is not true. Ye-Jun is proof of that.

"Okay. So I know you're rich and all. And I wouldn't be asking this if I didn't have money already stretched out in all kinds of different bills," Seokjin nervously says, marching back to the couch at a slow, one-step-at-a-time pace.

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