Chapter 4

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Henry's POV

"Are you ready?", I knocked on the door, waiting for Alyssa.

After the phone call, I had rushed into my own room and quickly dressed into a comfortable grey sweater and blue jeans.

I was excited to see Anna. These two months without her had been literally hell for me. I couldn't bear to be away from her for another minute.

"Alyssa, hurry up! We need to leave now!", I knocked on the door, harder this time. I was starting to grow more impatient and agitated with time passing by.

I was about to lose it when the door opened slowly. Before me, Alyssa wore a simple baby blue t-shirt and dark denim jeans to go along with it. Her outfit hugged and accentuated every curve on her.

I never really noticed Alyssa when she was around me. She never stood out to me or to anyone for that matter. I guess its because she was always the wallflower. Alyssa was shy, reserved and reclusive while Anna was vibrant, cheerful and the life of the party.

Now, as I looked at her, it was undeniable that she was just as beautiful as her sister.

She was slender but had curves in the right places. She was much taller than her sister.

She had beautiful wavy brown locks that ended just right below her breasts along with doe shaped brown eyes and delicate lips that set perfectly on her moon shaped face.

She had the creamiest complexion too, her skin looked flawless. How had I not noticed how beautiful she was before?

"Yes, I'm ready." she replied meekly, standing awkwardly with her hand stroking her arm up and down.

She was looking down at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with me at all cost. She was fidgeting with the sling of her small bag that hung across her front.

"Do you have everything you need?" I asked and she nodded her head lightly with her eyes still trained on the floor.

"Alyssa, what did I tell you earlier? I'm asking you a question and you are looking at the floor. Answer me properly." I snapped at her.

Her head snapped up immediately and I saw what she was trying to hide.

Her eyes were red and puffy. They were glazed with wetness. It was not hard to see that she had crying all this while.

She briefly looked at me before her eyes flickered to the wall behind me. She was trying to stop herself from crying. For some unknown reason, my heart clenched seeing her like this.

"Alyssa..." I reached out and touched her arm. A part of me wanted to comfort her even after how terrible I had behaved with her.

When I touched her, she flinched and took a step backwards. She stared at me with a confused expression on her.

It was clear that she didn't want me to touch her. Just few hours ago, her body had begged and craved for my touch and now she couldn't bear to have me touch her.

Honestly, I couldn't process the fact that I had slept with her. This was not meant to happen. I was appalled with myself.

Even though I was married to Alyssa, my heart still belonged to Anna.

Even if Anna had wanted us to get married, I should not have let this happen. It was a complete slip on my part. I was lost, lonely and stressed. I missed Anna very much.

My breaking point was when Alyssa grabbed hold of my shirt and shook me violently. I simply had enough.

And, I knew that I was being selfish but I desperately needed an outlet to release all the pent-up emotions in me. Simply put, I used Alyssa to satisfy my needs.

The worst part of it all was that she was a virgin. A part of me felt bad for Alyssa that her first time was robbed my someone who didn't love her. 

Conversely, she did love me. It was apparent in the way she shivered and moaned to my every touch, how she held onto my face tenderly and proclaimed her love for me with tears in her eyes.

How could she still love me even after having been nothing but cruel to her?

I know she loves me and she may be my wife now. But, that doesn't change anything. I will convince Anna to be with me again and if I have to, I will divorce Alyssa.

She was only 22 years old. She was still young. She had so much to see and experience at this age.

This marriage only happened to bring Anna back. I will make Alyssa understand. I would have to persuade her to see from my point of view.

I'm not the only guy in the world. She will certainly meet someone much better than me.

However, before speaking to Alyssa, I will have to speak to Anna first. There were so many questions running in my head, for which only she could provide clarity. I didn't want to delay any further.

"Look, I know you are upset. We shall talk later alright. Now, let's go and meet your sister."

She didn't utter a single word and brushed past me, heading towards the elevator in my penthouse apartment.

My teeth gritted and my hands clenched tightly at my sides, in response to her disrespectful action.

How dare she? She was being disrespectful to me on purpose even though I had gone out of my way to be nicer to her. She must have forgotten about my warning to her.

Normally, I would have went straight to her and taught her a good lesson.

Yet, this was not the time to do that. I took deep breaths and let them out, hoping that would suppress my anger. She was already in the elevator, waiting for me to get in.

"Its going to be a long day." I uttered under my breath and headed towards the elevator. 

Thanks for reading again! Please do vote and comment. Let me know if you guys like how the story is going.

Will be uploading Chapter 5 soon.

Take care guys bye :) 

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