Chapter 11

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Henry's POV

"What?", I stared at Anna, unable to comprehend what I had just heard.

"Henry, I killed our baby.", she cried loudly.

"Anna, I don't understand. What are you were pregnant?", I shook her shoulders in angst.

This caught her attention and she peered up at me timidly. She was petrified of me. I could see it in her face.

"Anna, when were you pregnant?", I asked with my teeth gritted and swallowed the anger that was building up in me.

"A year ago.", she murmured bleakly.

"F* hid this from me for a year?!", I yelled at her.

She cowered in fear when she heard my thunderous voice.

I took my hands away from her shoulders in digust.

"How could you do this to me?", I ran my hands through my hair in exasperation.

I couldn't believe that she was pregnant a year ago and yet I didn't know about it. It made my blood boil knowing that she had kept it a secret for so long. My heart wrenched in pain knowing that we had lost a child. We would have held him or her in our hands now. We would have been proud parents. Even though I had not known about its existence till a while ago, I still yearned for the child that we had lost. I would do anything to have our baby back.

"How did you lose the baby?", I was standing now, looking down at Anna who was still on the floor.

She refrained from looking at me. She was frightened to do so. Her eyes were trained on the floor.

"I...I..aborted the baby.", she stammered.

"You what?!", I exploded, unleashing my fury on her.

She shivered in fear and wept uncontrollably.

I pushed one of the chairs on the dining table to the floor. I screamed out loud and tears shed from my eyes. I wailed out loud at the lost of my child

"Why Anna? Why did you this?", I whimpered as heavy sobs wrecked my body.

"I'm sorry, Henry. I wasn't ready to be mother. And I wasn't sure about our relationship.", her voice trembled.

"You heartless woman! You killed our killed that innocent life just because you weren't ready to be a parent. How could you be so selfish? And what do you mean you weren't sure about our relationship huh?", I challenged her.

Her body shook violently with trepidation.

I knew that I wasn't going to like what she was going to say next.

She began to speak. She told me everything about how she wanted all the attention and love for herself. How she had purposely done everything to hurt Alyssa. To make her feel worthless. She even told me how she made me fall in love with her so that Alyssa wouldn't stand a chance with me. She had known all this while that Alyssa had liked me. Yet, she continued to be in a relationship with me.

I didn't know what to make of anything she just told me.

"Henry, even though I did what I did, I did love u. I still do. At first, I may have acted but after that, I saw you for who you were and I fell in love with you.", she said earnestly.

" call this love? You lied to me and you hurt your own sister. All of this is nothing more than a game to you. How pathetic can you get?" I spat at her.

More tears accumulated in her eyes at my words. I didn't care, not after all that I had heard.

"What else did you do? Did you cheat on me too?", I taunted her.

Her eyes widened in that instant and I already had my answer.

"You have got to be kidding me?!", I screamed my lungs out.

"Please Henry, forgive me. I beg you. I was stupid and reckless.", she pleaded with me.

"Forgive you! You dare ask me to forgive you after all you have done. You betrayed me. You made me a fool!", I shouted back.

"Henry....please please say that you forgive me...", she sobbed hysterically.

"You don't deserve forgiveness. I feel ashamed for having loved you in the first place. You're appalling. I don't want to see or hear from you anymore. It's over!", I growled at her.

That's when I heard faint footsteps coming down the stairs. I knew it was Alyssa. She was walking towards us with concern and worry etched on her face. I didn't want to be here another moment.

"Call your mom and dad. Tell them we're leaving now.", I ordered Alyssa sternly.

Her eyes travelled from me to Anna who was still sitting down on the floor. Alyssa stared at her coldly, as though she didn't care about her at all. It made me wonder what both of them had conversed earlier.

As Anna sat before us now, she looked nothing like her old self. She lookes like a mess. Little did I know that she was a mess inside as well. If I had known who she really was, I would have left her a long time ago. She really didn't love me like I loved her. It was all an act, nothing but a fabricated lie. Needless to say, she was nothing more than a narcissist. And, I didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

"I said call now.", I demanded again, enunciating every word.

Alyssa panicked and her hands fumbled with her phone, quickly dialing her parents.

"Yeah both of you can come home now. Alright, ok bye.", Alyssa ended the call and looked at me nervously.

"We're leaving now", I walked towards Alyssa and grabbed hold of her arm.

"What? We can't just leave. Parents will be coming home soon. Can't we wait a little while?", she objected.

"I said we're leaving now. I'm not staying here another minute. Do you understand?", I pulled her closer to me and she gulped at my proximity.

"Okay, let's go.", she muttered in defeat before I let her arm free.

I turned back to look at Anna once more. She was watching us now. Her swollen red eyes swam with tears as she sat silently on the floor. I looked away not wanting to see her anymore. Alyssa was still looking at her sister. But, the earlier coldness had now been replaced with concern. Alyssa's eyes brimmed with tears just like her sisters'.

"Alyssa, let's go.", I nudged her.

She took one last glance at Anna before both of us left the house for good.

Hi guys! Hope you liked this chapter.

What do you think about Anna? Do you hate her or feel for her? Let me know in the comments below.

And as always dont forget to show some love by voting for me. Thanks for reading bye! :)

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