Chapter 22

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Henry's POV

When I woke up, Alyssa was not in bed. I panicked for a brief moment, wondering where she had gone too. It was only then that I heard the faint sound of the shower running from the bathroom.

I smiled to myself, knowing that it was her and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom, only to find that the door was not closed completely. It was slightly ajar. She must have done it on purpose. I pushed the door open ever so lightly and I walked in.

I was greeted with her naked body standing in the huge shower. I could see every inch of her from where I was standing. Her back was faced to me while she stood there under the shower. She instinctively turned over her shoulder and flashed a smile shy towards me. I took it as an invitation to join her.

I was stepped into the shower behind her while she was lathering body wash all over herself.

“May I?”, I offered to wash her and she gave me a subtle nod.

I took some soap and applied it on her shoulders and worked my way down her arms. Her body relaxed under my touch and she leaned back against me. I moved my hands infront, cupping her breasts and covered them in soap. Her breath hitched. She liked it when I touched them.

"You like that baby?", I whispered into her ears while her head leant back onto my shoulder, pushing her breasts further into my hands. I pinched her peaks lightly and she moaned softly. I wanted to do more but Alyssa had other plans. She turned around and grabbed my face in her hands.

With that, she brought down my lips to hers and laid feverish kisses on them. Her fingers weaved into my hair and pulled them hard. I groaned into her mouth as pur tongues wrestled with each other. Her hands stroked my hardness as she peered into my eyes, wanting and ready for me. I backed her up against the wall and hoisted her legs so that they wrapped around my waist. With one swift move, I was inside her and took her again.

"Henry, we're going to be late. Hurry!", she dumping her mobile and other necessities into her small sling bag in a rush.

"Well, it wasn't my fault. You were the one who caused the delay.", I walked out of the wardrobe room after hurriedly changing into a simple t-shirt and jeans.

My eyes widened when I caught side of her. She was wearing a flowly floral dress that accentuated her body along with a jean jacket. Her hair fell in loose waves around her face. She looked beautiful and sexy, all at the same time. She could wear anything or nothing at all, I still wanted her. She must have seen the way I was ogling at her. Heat crept up to her cheeks and she became flushed in an instant. I went up to her and tucked a strand behind her ear.

"Henry, we need to go.", she purred as she looked up at me, trying to conceal the desire that was evident in her voice.

"You sure?", I raised my eyebrow at her in a teasing manner and stroked her cheek with my hand.

She gave her beautiful smile and I bent down to capture her lips before we left home.

We were already in the car on the way to Alyssa's place for dinner. Alyssa sat there, figdeting in her seat and she was biting on her finger nails nervously.

"I can see you're nervous. Relax Alyssa, we're just going there for dinner and be back home in no time. We will just pretend that nothing happened ok. Everything is going to be alright.", I took her hands in mine and placed a soft kiss on it while keeping an eye on the road.

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