Chapter 25

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Alyssa's POV

I woke up again from my restless sleep. I had not been able to sleep well after our fight. I had woken up in between my sleep to find that Henry had yet to come to bed.

Both of us had barely spoken a word to each other since we came home. He vanished into his study room and never came out. I was still furious with him over how he treated me like a doormat. I was exhausted and didn't wait for him to come to bed.

It was 2am and I was concerned what he was still doing in the office. I was slipped on a robe over my nightgown and headed to his office. The light was still on and the door was slightly ajar.

I slowly opened the door to find thay Henry wasn't working. Instead, he was leaned back on his chair and sleeping peacefully. I walked to him quietly and gazed at his serene face.
I ran my hands through his soft hair and he stirred in his sleep. He squinted his eyes as he took in the brightly lit room and me.

"Sorry for waking you up. I didn't know you had fallen asleep here. Let's go to bed and sleep.", I was still mad with him but this wasn't the place for him to sleep. I decided to let the matter rest.

"No, it's okay. You go back and sleep in the room. I will sleep here.", he yawned loudly and gestured for me to leave the room.

The feeling of rejection consumed me at that moment. It was something I did not have to deal with for a while, until now.

"Why not? Don't you want to sleep in our room...with me?", I spoke dejectedly, unable to hide the hurt from my voice.

His eyes lifted up to mine and his sleepiness seemed to have faded away. I kept my face passive, trying not to give anything away.

"Come here.", he whispered seductively. I inched closer to him and his arms encircled my waist. He brought me closer to him so that his face was now nuzzled against my tummy.

He laid a soft kiss on it through the fabric of my robe. I instinctively brought my hands to his head and brushed them through his hair.

"I'm sorry baby.", his voice came as muffled groan as he buried his face against my body.

I felt myself melting at his words. Getting a sorry from Henry was close to impossible in the past. Now, it didn't seem to bother him at all.

"Am I forgiven?", he asked quietly with the side of his face pressed against my tummy while his hands were still encircled around me. He looked like a lost little boy now.

"Yes, I forgive you.", I stroked his hair backwards while he kissed my tummy again.

Not long after, he had me seated on his lap.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I...I...just don't know what came over me.", he looked at me sincerely while he played with my hair.

I giggled and his eyes narrowed at me with a hint of playfulness in them.

"Why am I funny to you?", he pouted.

"Well, I find it funny because I have never seen you apologise this much. Actually, it's weird to hear "Mr Ego" say sorry", I teased him.

"Yeah yeah whatever.", he rolled his eyes dismissively and snuggled closer to me, with his head resting on my chest.

I bent down to kiss his head and we held on to each other for what seemed like a long time, neither one of us speaking while savouring each other's presence.

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