Chapter 27

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Henry's POV

I was seated at the funeral home with Alyssa next to me. 

She buried her face into my shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably. 

I took her into my arms and kissed her head, offering her as much comfort as I could.

Alyssa has been inconsolable ever since she found out that Anna had passed away. So were her parents. They were seated right next to her. Their faces red and puffy just like Alyssa's and held on to each other while they mourned for their daughter. 

Then, there was Liam. He sat in silence with his eyes fixated on Anna's coffin. He looked desolate and lost. Occasionally, he wiped the tears that would roll down his face unbeknownst to him. It was as though he was trying hard to fight off his emotions but he failed miserably. 

There were many other friends and family members gathered in the room as well, saddened and sorrowed over Anna's passing.

As for me, I felt an emptiness. Nothing but sheer emptiness.

When I had heard that Anna passed away, everything went blank in my head.

It was as though my mind couldn't register what I had just heard. It felt like the air had been completely knocked out of my chest. 

It was only when Alyssa began to cry, I cried too. I had hugged her and we cried our eyes out. Both of us grieved for the lost of Anna despite what she had done. It didn't matter anymore. Not after she was gone.

The truth was we had always cared for her in our own ways. Perhaps, more than we wanted to admit to ourselves, especially for me.

Did I love her? No, not anymore. The love and the hatred that I had harboured towards had simply vanished. There was nothing at all. I felt numb.

Whatever she had done in the past, I had to let go off. There was no point on holding on to what had happened.

The only memories I had of her now were the good ones. When we were happy together, when we were best friends...when she was the happiest and the purest she had been.

I sighed softly in relief while holding onto Alyssa, knowing that she had found her peace from the suffering she endured during her illness.

Alyssa looked up at me with her tear filled eyes when she heard me.

I looked at her reassuringly and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. It made her cry more.

"Don't cry baby. She's at a better place now. Please don't cry.", I whispered quietly while I rubbed her back up and down. I could feel the strain in my voice. I couldn't console Alyssa. She had refused to eat or drink anything. She was undoubtely weak.

I passed her some water and she shook her head in refusal. I couldn't even get mad at her given the state of our situation now. She must have seen the dissapointment on my face. She obliged and took a huge gulp of water. After she was done, I wiped her wet face with some tissue and she thanked me sweetly.

We were soon distracted by the sound of Liam's voice. He was standing in the podium that was placed at the corned of the room.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for being here today. Your presence means alot for Anna's family and myself. Before we  share some words about Anna. Well...some words are not enough to describe her. She was a source of joy and vibrance. She was always cheeful and bubbly. She was such a beautiful soul", Liam choked and bent down his head to compose himself before he continued his eulogy.

Alyssa's parents cried harder after hearing him. Their incoherent sobs filled the room along with the snivels of others.

"She will always be remembered as a loving daughter, sister and friend to those around her. And....she was the perfect woman that I could have ever asked for...she was everything I ever wanted. I love you Anna....I will always love you. May you rest in peace.", he finished his speech and broke down into a flood of tears. He pinched the bridge of his nose and hung his head low to conceal his tears as he walked back to his seat somberly.

I didn't know what to think of his eulogy.

Alyssa's parents and herself were not in the right state of mind to speak at the podium after Liam. As such, they proceeded with the rest of the funeral.

Soon after, everyone said their final goodbyes to Anna including myself. I took one last look at her before the coffin lid covered her and she was lowered into the ground. She was finally laid to rest.

Everyone including Alyssa's parents were moving back to the funeral home area. Alyssa and I stayed back for a while at Anna's resting area.

"'s okay baby. She is in a better place now", I cooed into Alyssa's ear while she hugged me tightly.

"I...can't believe.... she's gone.", her voice trembled.

I lifted her chin up to see her face.

"I know love...we both loved her. But, what matters is that she is free from her pain now. Whatever she did, let's just forget and forgive her. That's the least we can do now. Let her rest in peace.", I wiped her cascading tears when I saw Liam approaching us from the distance.

Alyssa realised that he was coming to us and we broke our embrace.

He gave Alyssa a quick hug and offered his hand to me for a shake. He then brought me in for a half hug and patted my back. I wasn't expecting that as Liam and I weren't exactly friends to begin with. I had to admit that he looked he was genuinely going through a hard time. I figured that I should cut him some slack.

"Alyssa, can I talk to you in private?", Liam hesitated with his eyes darting back and forth from me to Alyssa.

Are you f*ucking kidding me? Forget about cutting him slack!

"What reason do you have to talk to my wife in private?", I growled at him.

"Henry! Please stop!", Alyssa chastised me before him. I stared at Liam in vexation. I wasn't going to let Alyssa alone with him at all cost.

"Look, you are not going to talk to my wife alone. Just tell what you need to say and then leave.", I folded my arms and narrowed my eyes at Liam.

"Dude, are you serious?! Honestly, I don't know what your problem is! I just need a minute or two with Alyssa. I need to speak with her alone. I hope you understand.", Liam challenged me.

"No, I don't need to listen to you. SHE'S MY WIFE! And I don't f**king care what you think my problem is! Just tell us what the hell you want to say and get lost!", I barked at him. I was boiling with rage.

Alyssa stared up at me in dissapointment. It was apparent that she was unhappy and I knew she was going to confront me about it when we were alone.

"Fine!", Liam held his hands up in surrender in a mocking fashion and pulled out an envelope from his coat.

He avoided my angry stare and handed it over to Alyssa.

She looked at Liam in confusion as to what it was.

"Alyssa, it's a letter from Anna to you."

Hi guys!

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Thanks for reading bye! :)

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