Chapter 21

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Alyssa's POV

"What condition?", I was apprehensive now, wondering what it might be.

"I want a kiss. Then I'll come with you.", he smirked at me.

"What?! No why? You're crazy", he was acting childish now.

I wanted some space from him yet here he was asking me to kiss him.

"I'm waiting here.", his devilish grin grew wider.

"Arghhh fine!", I gave up and crawled towards him on the bed.

He waited patiently as my face was just inches away from his. His hot breath fanned my face as I gazed into his blue eyes. I moved forward and placed a soft peck on his lips.

He let out a soft sexy groan when our lips touched. I began to withdraw when his hands grabbed on the side of my arms. In a blink of an eye, he had shifted such that I was below him now.

"Henry, let me go!", I tried to use my arms to push him away. He took hold of my arms and pinned them against the sides of my head.

He didn't care nor did he want to listen to anything I had to say. He then did the unexpected. He placed the softest feather like kiss on my lips.

"Let's just forget about what happened. It's just you and me now. Only us....I need you Alyssa...", his deep blue eyes glimmered with hope and his voice trembled as he whispered those words against my lips.

"Henry, I can't....I'm scared and tired of getting hurt everytime. I just can't do this now. Please let me go.", I mewled.

"Will you give me another chance, Alyssa? To make things right.", he looked sincere and earnest.

My heart skipped a beat. 

"What did you say?", I stuttered. 

"I said we can try to work something out...between us...but I need some time to figure out. Figure out I feel about you.", he looked at me expectantly, awaiting a reply.

"I don't know what to say. I didn't expect this from you.", I admitted.

"You can at least expect this.", he pressed his growing erection against me and smiled cheekily. 

I couldn't help but burst into laughter. I couldn't stay mad at him. Just the thought of him wanting to try made my heart swell with joy. 

He had a look of adoration as he silently watched me laughing. It wasn't long before desire and lust consumed him. His gaze became intense and serious. I could feel his erection growing even harder. He bent down his head to kiss me but paused for a brief moment. He pulled back a bit to have a good look at me. He stared deep into my eyes, flickering from one to another, as though he was seeking permission from me. I tilted my lips towards his as acceptance and he captured it with a deep groan.

Perhaps, I wasn't thinking straight but his words of promise gave me hope. It surprised me that he was willing to explore our relationship further. Despite all that happened, my feelings for him were still very much alive. I knew that if I gave him another chance, it could go one of two ways. Either we could end up happy together or it could go downhill and our separation would be inevitable. I didn't even want to think about it.

His kiss deepened and his hands raked over my breasts and squeezed them hard. I moaned in pleasure. He let my hands go and they roamed freely over his muscular back.

Very soon, we were in each other arms and he was moving in and out of me in a leisurely pace. He was not in a hurry and so was I. It was like he was expressing how he felt for me in ways that he couldn't through words. He savoured each and every inch of me, worshiping and cherishing me. His touches were soft and delicate. He held me like I was fragile. While still inside me, he lifted both us into a sitting position, with me cradled atop him. He felt even deeper than before and I moaned loudly at the overwhelming sensation of him. He placed his hands on my ass and guided me up and down on his hardness.

"That feels so good...", I sighed in pleasure with my arms wrapped around his neck as I bounced up and down on him.

My forehead was pressed against his as we moved together in synchronicity.  I tilted my head back in ecstasy as I came hard around Henry. My muscles clenched around him as he too came inside me. I slumped my body against him as we held on to each other, our ragged breaths mingling with each other. I buried my face in his shoulder blade and smiled weakly. I didn't know sex could be this good. 

"Wow, you were amazing baby. That was so f*ucking good.", he whispered seductively into my ear and nuzzled his nose against the crook of my neck.

"It tickles! Don't do that!", I chuckled and swat his chest playfully.

Seeing my reaction, he tried to kiss and blow on my neck further. I twisted and wriggled, attempting to get out his hold. I unleashed my weapon too and started tickling the sides of his torso.

"Hey...No...Alyssa....stop..stop.", he laughed uncontrollably. 

Eventually, we fell on bed with both of us lying next to each other, exhausted from all the laughter.

I turned my head to him and saw that he had a sheepish smile on his face. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him adoringly. 

"I didn't know you were so ticklish.", I stuck out my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself. But, I do know one area I can tickle you and you wouldn't complain.", he bore a cheeky grin before his hands slid down to the middle of my thighs, effectively ending our conversation.

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

How do you feel about Henry wanting to try and make his relationship work with Anna?

And also, the next chapter is going to be interesting. So expect the unexpected ;)

So, do stay tuned for the next chapter. I will upload it as soon.

As always, don't be shy to show some love and support by voting and commenting on this chapter.

Anyways, thanks for reading. Bye! :)

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