Chapter 32

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Alyssa's POV

I lied on my bed and cried for hours. I had simply lost track of time with my hunger and sleep forgotten.

I had no energy in me to get out of bed or check the time on my phone. I couldn't be bothered to check it.

I knew I had pushed Henry over the edge. I had let my insecurities get the better of me. I should have known better than to read that letter.

On the other hand, I felt relieved. I had finally been able to voice out against his possessiveness and controlling nature which I couldn't bear anymore. He had to know. I thought sharing my thoughts on how I felt would strengthen our relationship.

But, it only made things worse. I knew most of the contents of the letter was fake. I just couldn't believe Anna wrote such things.

Why couldn't she have just let it to rest? Instead, she took it upon herself to write it and give it to me in hopes it would destroy the love Henry and I had for each other.

The damage had already been done and there was no going back. He hated me now. Just like he did in the beginning.

There was no going back now. It made me cry even more. I was an emotional wreck. The way he looked at me before he left...I still remembered it. He had the same cold look he had on our first night together after the wedding.

Had he given up on us? Was there any way to repair our relationship? I groaned and buried my face in the pillow.

More tears ensued as I began to reminisce about our times he had made love to me just a couple of nights ago in this same bed.

I ached for him. I wanted him back here with me. I missed him even though it has always been a couple of hours. I have grown so attached to him that being apart from him for a while made me upset.

It wasn't long before my stomach growled. I was hungry and I had no choice but make my way to kitchen.

As I made way to kitchen, I saw the time that reflected on the clock that hung directly over the dining area. It was past 1.30am.

I hadn't realised that it had gotten so late. I was worried about Henry. It was unlike him to not be home so late.

I was worried and I had to text him even though I felt guilty about the fight. This was no time to dwell over what had happened.

"Henry, where are you? I'm sorry about our fight earlier today. Please come back home. I'm worried about you."

I sent the text, awaiting an immediate reply but was dissapointed. Few minutes passed but still no message from him.

My stomach growled louder now. I sighed and pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail.

I opened the fridge and took out some left over over roasted chicken and potatoes that I had cooked yesterday and heated it in the microwave.

I sat down on the counter stool and began to consume my food with a ravenous appetite.

I couldn't believe I was gorging down so much food. I went back for a second helping when I felt the contents of my food coming back up my throat.


I jumped off the stool and ran to the toilet. I threw up the remanents of my food into the toilet bowl.

I sat breathless and the after taste was unplesant to say the least. I forced myself to get up and flush the toilet.

I walked to the sink and washed my hands and mouth. As I wiped myself and looked in the mirror, realisation dawned upon me.

I rushed back to the kitchen counter and opened my phone. Still, there was no text from Henry.

That was not the main concern now. I browsed through the many applications I had on my phone and my finger hovered nervously over one app.

Regardless, I pressed it and it opened. I checked the dates several times to ensure that my eyes were not playing tricks on me. could I have forgot about this?

I rushed back to the toilet and took out a package from one of the lower  drawers. I had just bought it few weeks case I needed to use it.

I sat on the toilet seat and waited anxiously.

It wouldn't be long before I knew.

The time was up and I went back to the counter.

My hands shook nervously as I picked the pregnancy test kit to see the results.

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