Chapter 35

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Alyssa's POV

I was standing in the woods. There
were tall trees everywhere with the branches towering over me.

It was pitch dark and I could barely see anything. It was eerily quiet too...almost like I was in a silent movie.

I could hear nothing ...not  even the sound of insects, animals or even the crackling of the sticks and leaves beneath my feet as I walked forward.

Heavy fog loomed around me making it even more difficult to see now. I didn't know where I was going but it was as if my legs moved on their own accord.

I had no control over my actions. It was as if I was trapped in my own body.

I walked forward and that was when I saw him. I recognised him instantly. He was standing just a few feet away and he was staring in my direction.

"Henry! Henry, is that you?", I called out to him.

But, nothing came out from my mouth. I tried calling to him again but there was no sound.

Somehow or rather, I managed to gain control my body. I began to walk towards him.

As I inched closer to him, I was able to make out his features clearly.

There was something that was off about him. His face was dull and pale. He had no expression on his face. His eyes remained fixated on me, they were stagnant....almost lifeless.He just stood there like a statue. It was unnerving.

I was just inches away from him when he turned around and began to run away from me.

I shouted out to his name but to no avail. I frantically tried to catch up with him.

As I was chasing after him, I realised there was a black door that appeared out of nowhere. It was not part of a building or a house. It was just standing there on it own...oddly supporting itself.

Henry was running towards it. He was not slowing down and I found myself struggling to catch up with him.

By the time I closed in on him, it was too late. The door opened on its own and Henry disappeared through it.

The moment he went in, the door closed shut. I managed to reach the door and started pounding on it with all the strength I could muster from within me.

Even then, the sound of my thunderous blows to the door could not be heard. It was at that moment I heard Henry's blood curdling scream from the other side.

My mind went into a delirious state.

Why was he screaming? What happened to him?

I continued to pound on the door until my hands hurt.

I only stopped when I noticed that his chilling screams intensified with every relentless hit to the door.

I took a step back from the door and I heard Henry's pitiful whimper followed by a sinister laughter.

I jolted awake in cold sweat. I was panting heavily, as though I had run a marathon.

I instantly became aware of my surroundings. I was on a bed in an unknown room that was dimly lit by a table lamp.

I struggled to contain my emotions that ran wild in me. The nightmare felt so real...too real that it blurred with reality.

A lump formed in my throat. I wanted to cry but couldn't. I opened my mouth and mumbled my name softly. I was relieved that I had not actually lost my voice.

I got out of bed and looked around. The room was sparsely decorated with only a bed, a study table and a dresser.

The curtains were drawn over the windows but it was obvious that it had already become night time.

I had no recollection what so ever of how I got in here. Liam must have brought me in here. I guess I must have passed out.

Is this is his room?

I had no idea. I looked down at my tummy and caressed it. I hoped the baby was okay.

I didn't know if I had taken a hit to the floor when I had passed out. I felt fine except for the nauseous feeling that I had since last night.

I made my way to the door and opened it slowly. I peaked out from the room and noticed the entire house was dark. I noticed I had been in the room that was directly opposite to the kitchen.

"Liam?", I called out but there was no sign of him anywhere.

I wondered where he went. I stepped outside and began to walk further down the hallway. There were other doors along the way.

But, one stood out the most to me. It was because it was the only door that had light emanating from the bottom of it. Liam had to be here. That was why he wasn't able to hear me.

Surprisingly, the door wasn't closed shut. It was slightly ajar. I pushed it to reveal a stairway that led down to the basement. I carefully descended the stairway quietly.

Luckily, it wasn't one of those wooden stairs that creaked every time I stepped foot on it.

It felt as though I was intruding into his personal space without asking his permission.

However, I needed to know if he had found out anything about Henry or attempted to find him.

I knew I was burdening him with finding Henry because I was helpless. He was the only one I could think of to help me during this dire time.

I managed to get to the bottom of it without making too much noise.

"Liam?", I called out as I turned the corner to get a good view of the basement as the stairs was situated parellel to the basement.

There was no response as Liam was nowhere to be seen except for an empty table that was placed right in the middle of the basement.

It looked very out of place, as though someone had painstakingly placed it there on purpose.

As I approached nearer, I realised there was something placed on top of it.

My blood ran cold when I realised what it was.

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