Chapter 30

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Alyssa's POV

My hands trembled as I held onto letter, reading the contents of it over and over again. A part of me hoped that none of this was real.

No, it's not true! It can't be...

No, I won't believe this. This is nothing but pure bullshit. How could she think that I would believe this?

Tears threatened to consume me but I controlled myself as I was in a taxi now and on the way to my house.

No, not my parents' house. But, to the penthouse. I suppose Henry must be there. I was afraid to face him after the fight we had but I also wanted to run and hug him as tightly as I could.

I wanted to feel his warmth radiate through me. I needed to know that everything between us was okay.

Another thought infiltrated my mind. How could Anna lie about something like this? Was it real? It just didn't make any sense. I just didn't know who to trust now.

My mind was swirling uncontrollably. What was I going to do? How can I continue with my life after learning the "truth"?

Henry was right, wasn't he? Reading whatever was in that letter would ruin us. It was true.

But, if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't have learnt what Anna had faced. What am I going to do now?

"Your stop's here miss.", the driver alerted me that I had arrived at my home. It was already dark outside.

I paid and thanked the driver before I headed into the building. I mulled in the lift over what I would say to Henry when I saw him. I bit my fingernails while I stood in the lift, both dreading and relieved that I will be seeing him.

Soon, I was out of the lift and I fumbled with the keys. I slowly placed into the lock and stepped inside. The house was eerily quiet. I wondered if he was home.

It was then I heard his voice coming from his office. As I walked towards his room, I heard him shouting into phone. I was scared to go in now after knowing he was in a foul mood.

"Listen here. I need to know what the hell happened to him?! It's been f**king two months and there has been no answer from him. I called, emailed and texted him. Absolutely nothing!", his tone was unforgiving.

I pitied whoever was on the line with him. I didn't know who it was but I had a feeling it was someone working under him.

"Look, I don't want any pathetic excuses. I need to know what happened to detective. I don't care what you are going to do. Ring his office, go something!", his voice boomed even louder than before.

Detective? Why on earth would he hire a detective?!

This added more to my confusion. I stood frozen in my place as I tried to decipher what I had just heard. What was Henry up to?

"Ok, update me as soon as possible. Bye.", he ended the call abruptly and I heard his heavy sigh. He sounded stressed. I knew this wouldn't be the best time to see him. I decided to turn around and leave discreetly when I heard his voice.

"Alyssa, I know you're out there. Come in.", he commanded and I felt my whole body turn rigid.
How did he know? I was extremely quiet! There was abosultely no hiding from this man.

I timidly walked into his room. He was leaning against the desk with his arms folded across his broad chest. His eyes never left mine as I walked further into the room to stand before him.

"You were eavesdropping, weren't you?, he snarled with discontent.
"You were talking loud. It's not like you could have stopped me from hearing anyway.", I countered back.
His eyebrows furrowed together in irritation. He glared at me without uttering a single word.

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