Chapter 7

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Henry's POV

My eyes travelled up the stairs. Anna's dad was holding onto her as she descended it. I froze at the very sight of her. She barely looked like herself. She was a far cry from her old self.

Anna had almost lost half her weight. Her cheeks had become hallow, her clothes hung loose on her thin frame and her usual glowing skin looked lacklustre and had lost its glow. Her legs wobbled uncontrollably as she struggled to take each step.

She peeked over at her mom, Alyssa and myself as she made her way down. Her lips curved into a weak smile as her eyes landed on me.

But, I couldn't smile back at her. Not after seeing her like this. I couldn't digest what was going on. How on earth did Alyssa become like this? It had only been two months and she had changed so much. I stood transfixed as Anna made her way to us.

"Omg Anna!", Alyssa ran to her sister and threw her arms around her. Both of them embraced each other tightly as Alyssa was sobbed hysterically. Alyssa wouldn't let go of Anna. She continued to cry even as Anna comforted her.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here.", she consoled while rubbing Alyssa's back.

"What happened to you? Why did you just leave all of us?", Alyssa cried.

"I'm sorry Alyssa. I had to leave, it was the right thing to do.", Anna pulled back to look at Alyssa and held her face tenderly in her hands.

"The right thing to do! What the hell is wrong with you, Anna? I shouted.

I couldn't extinguish the anger that brewed within me. How dare she say that it was the right thing to do!

Everyone including Anna looked over at me, startled by my raised voice.

Anna's eyes began to glimmer. She was on the verge of tears. She never liked to fight with me when we were together. She was the one who would always give in or apologise first even though she was not in fault.

"Henry, please I can explain.", she placates to pacify me.

"Alright, explain then.", I snapped at her as I folded my arms.

"Mom and Dad, may I have a moment with Henry and Alyssa alone. I need to tell them personally and I would like if you excused us." she looked over at her mom and dad who both nod their head in agreement to her request.

Immediately, they grabbed their belongings and mentioned that they would be heading out to the mall to give us some space.

Now, it was only the three of us left in the house. Alyssa stood silent, her gaze shifting from Anna to me. She looked very uncomfortable.

"Can we sit at the dinning table and talk? My legs hurt a lot", Anna interrupted the prolonged silence that loomed among us.

Anna gestured for Alyssa's to hold on to her and help her move towards the dinning table that was near the kitchen. I followed behind them.

Soon, we all settled into our chairs with Alyssa seated opposite me while Anna was seated at the head of the table.

Alyssa had poured some coffee for all of us. Alyssa looked at Anna eagerly, hoping that she would say something. Of course, Anna was busy sipping on her coffee. She began to aggravate my temper. My patience was running this at this moment.

"Anna, this isn't the time for coffee. I need answers now.", I growled.

She put down her cup of coffee on her coaster immediately. I had her full attention now. She placed her elbows on the table, with her hands clasped together and covering her mouth. Her eyes were screwed shut and her face was scrunched as if she was in extreme pain.

"Please Anna, talk to us. We need to know what is going on here.", Alyssa touched Anna's hand lightly.

"Alright, I think you both deserve to know the truth. I....I have brain tumour.", she glanced up at both of us.

At that moment, it felt like I was punched in the gut. It felt as though my heart had stopped beating.

My breath hitched in my throat as I stared back at Anna.

"What?", I murmured, too shocked to articulate a response to what I had just heard.

"", Alyssa whimpered as her hands flew to her mouth to cover her loud wail.

"Yes, it's the truth. I have been diagnosed with brain tumour." she answered, her voice strained with agony.

"I don't believe you. It can't be true." I shook my head in denial.

"Henry, look at me. I'm sick. I know this is hard for you but you have to accept it.", Anna takes my hands into her and cups hers over mine.

"No Anna, you can't do this to me. I love you so much.", my restrained tears flowed down my face and I wept uncontrollably.

Suddenly, Anna stiffened and I realised what I had done. I had been oblivious to the fact that Anna had been around all this while, silently observing the both of us.

I turned my head in Alyssa's direction. Sadness and grief that had been present on her face earlier was now replaced with fury and shock. She bit into her lips so hard that I thought it might bleed.

"Alyssa....", Anna attempted to get up from her seat to comfort Alyssa.

Before she got up, Alyssa pushed away from the table in rage.

"You both lied to me. How could you?", she yelled at Anna and then turned to me.

"And you, how could you have married me when you are in love with her?", she spat at me with such disgust and outrage.

I had messed up. It was my fault that Alyssa had to find out about Anna and myself in this way. It was not the time for her to have found out about this. Certainly not after hearing about Anna's brain tumour.

What if she found out that Anna had been the one who forced her into this marriage? Without a doubt, she would lose her mind.

"I'm such a fool. I'm so stupid", she cried to herself as fresh tears streamed down her face.

"Alyssa...", I got up from my seat and went towards her.

She could sense that I was approaching her.

"Don't come near me! Leave me alone. I hate you so much. I hate both of you.", she screamed out loud before she ran towards the stairs and up to the rooms. I heard one of the doors slam shut and I felt a dull ache in my heart. For some unknown reason, I wanted to go up to Alyssa and comfort her.

"Don't worry, I will go talk to her.", she sighed heavily.

"Okay, after that, we need to talk too. There is something I need to tell you as well.", I told as I helped Anna up the stairs.

"Henry, I have many more things that I have to tell you. You aren't going to like me very much after that." she laughed dryly.

"What do you mean?", I questioned.

"You will find out soon.", she gave me a sad smile before walking away down the hallway to Alyssa's room. 

Hey lovelies, hope you liked this chapter.

Dun dun dun, finally, Alyssa found out about Henry and Alyssa's relationship. 

Stay tuned for the next few chapters as its going to get quite interesting.

And, thank you to all who have read and voted for the chapters. It means alot to me!

Anyways, take care guys bye :) 

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