Chapter 8

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Alyssa's POV

I slammed the door shut with great ferocity. I was seething deep inside with inconceivable rage. I clenched my hands tightly at my sides as I paced around like my room. My mind wandered everywhere, hoping that I could somehow make sense of what had just transpired.

I had never felt so stupid and gullible in my entire life then at this very moment. How could I have not realised what was going on between Henry and Anna? I had been so blinded by my love for Henry that I had been ignorant about their hidden relationship.

The worst part of it all was that they had been together for such a long time and I had not even known about it. They had been so secretive that even my parents had no clue about it.

The thing that plagued me the most was why did Henry want to marry me when he had been in love with Anna all this time? How could he even do this to Anna and myself? I still remembered vividly when Henry had made a surprise visit to our house just after Anna had gone missing for about a month. I had barely been able to see Henry ever since he had moved to his apartment except for special occasions or holidays.

"Mr and Mrs Heather, I know that this is not the best time to be talking about this, given Anna's disappearance. I have been hesitant to talk to both of you about this. But, I don't think I have the strength in me to wait any longer.", Henry sat down with my parents and myself on the living room sofa. He had insisted that I join them on the sofa for an important discussion.

"Sure Henry, you know you could talk to us about anything. Please go ahead.", my dad urged him to speak. Henry nodded in agreement as he sipped on his water before putting down the mug on the coffee table.

"Alright then... I would like to marry Alyssa.", he said while his eyes bore into mine.

Hearing this, I choked on the coffee that I had been drinking. I started to cough violently. Dad passed me a concerned look while my mother started to pat my back to ease my coughing. Henry was staring at me intensely.

However, he did not look worried about me like my parents did. Though he was gazing at me, he seemed to be in another world of his own. My coughing soon subsided but not my racing heart. I was dumbfounded. Henry had just asked for my hand in marriage. I didn't know what to make of it. This was the same Henry that had barely noticed me for the past five years despite my countless failed attempts of making him fall for me.

"Henry, I don't know what to say.", my mother was surprised by his proposal.

"I know Mrs Heather. I was surprised myself when I found out that I have had feelings for Alyssa all this while. The past five years I had unknowingly developed feelings for her. It was only a few months after I had moved to the new apartment, I realised that I missed Alyssa. I had always seen her around my house. Not seeing her often made me think about her a lot. I couldn't lie to myself anymore. And after Anna.... after she had gone missing, I realised how life is too short and unpredictable. I knew that I had waited for far too long. I don't want to spend another second of my life without her. I am in love with Alyssa. And, I give both of you my word. I will always cherish and love her with all my heart.", his eyes shined with utmost sincerity as he looked at my parents.

When his eyes shifted to mine, a breath-taking smile formed on his lips. He gazed at me with such love and adoration that I could hardly maintain eye contact with him. I looked down at my hands with a shy smile on my face. I was overcome and beaming with joy within me. I was ecstatic. This was what I had hoped and prayed for every day. My Henry loves me...he finally loves me.

"Alyssa, what do you think? Do you feel the same way dear?", my mother squeezed my hand gently and brought me back to reality.

I looked up at both my parents and my eyes landed on Henry. He gazed at me expectantly, urging me to say yes.

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