Chapter 43

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Alyssa's POV

"What? He is not dead yet?!", Henry exclaimed in dismay.

"Shhhh, lower your voice down!", I chided him but he could care less.

"How the hell did he survive? I thought your Mom shot him?", he shot me a perturbed look.

"She shot him. But, it wasn't enough to kill him.", Dad intervened.

"I don't get it. You said she shot him multiple times...but that f*ucker is still alive?", he was disconcerted by how Liam managed to survive. It was clear that he wouldn't let the matter rest until he had his answer.

"Well...Mom shot him. She didn't really aim properly. She shot him a total of three times. One bullet landed on his right shoulder, another on his arm and the last one hit him on the side of his neck. Of course, he collapsed on the floor and lost a lot of blood. But, the doctors managed to treat him on time and remove the bullets that were lodged in him. None of us thought he would survive too.", I explained to him.

"Where is he being treated now?", he asked.

"In this hospital, further down the hallway. There are police officers stationed outside his room for safety make sure he doesn't escape and harm anyone.", Dad tried to assure Henry but he was not having any of it.

"No f*ucking way is he staying in the same hospital as me!", that was all it took for him to go ballistic.

"Henry, please calm down!", I tried to shush him but he wouldn't listen.

Just as expected, a nurse peaked her head into the room.

"Is everything all right here?", she looked at the three of us with concern.

"Umm...yeah...we're fine.", I lied while Dad pretended to act nonchalant infront of the nurse while Henry glared out the window.

The nurse gave me a condescending look before she closed the door for good.

"Stop acting like a child, Henry!", I scolded him in a hushed tone to avoid the nurse from barging in again.

He turned back from the window and scowled at me.

"Henry, it doesn't matter if he's here. He's just being treated and once he's recovered, he will be under the custody of the police. We don't have anything to worry about.", Dad attempted to persuade him the best that he could.

"Fine! I will just leave it be. But, I don't want anyone going near that room, especially you.", he pointed his finger in my direction in an accusatory manner. was I going to tell him?!

"Henry...umm...actually...", I stammered.

"Please don't tell me something I'm not going to like.", he sighed heavily.

"Maybe.", I forced a weak smile at him.

"Christ Alyssa, what is it?", he snapped at me.

"I want to meet Liam.",

"Alyssa, are you out of your freaking mind?! You want to go and meet the person who tried to kill all of us?!", he snarled at me.

"Okay, I know it sounds insane. But, I have to talk to Liam. I need to find out why he behaved the way he did.", I reasoned with him.

"You really know how to push my buttons, don't you? Even after all that happened, you're insisting to see him? I can't believe you...", he muttered with disappointment riddled all over his face.

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