Chapter 28

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Alyssa's POV

Henry was glaring at Liam's retreating figure.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What do you have against Liam?", I confronted him.

"I don't trust him! I told you there is something off about him!", he flared up at me.

"For goodness sake, you have to learn to trust people and stop being paranoid all the time!", I retaliated back.

"Trust?!", he scoffed sarcastically.

I folded my arms in defense and scowled at him.

"You want me to trust the "boyfriend" of my dead ex-girlfriend?!", he hissed under his breath while his eyes scanned the vicinity to ensure no one was observing our argument.

"We have already talked about this before. I don't care what his intentions are. I trust myself and I know how to protect myself if I have to. But, you really think Liam is a bad guy? He's been nothing but kind and loving to my parents, Anna and even to us. Why in the world would you suspect him?", I questioned him.

"I have my reasons and I don't expect you to understand or agree with them. We are not going to argue about this again. Let's go home.", he grabbed my hand and I pulled my hand away from his grasp.

He raised his eyebrow in surprise at my bold move.

"What are you doing, Alyssa?", his voice was low and dangerous.

"I'm not coming home with you. I'm going to my parents'. You can go home first. I'll come home later.", I put on a brave front while I spoke to him.

"No.", he snarled.

"Yes.", I retorted back.

"We are not having this conversation here. Get your ass in the car and we're going home now!", he took hold off my hand roughly and dragged me along with him.

"What about my parents?! They will be looking for us. We can't just leave them and go!", I protested and desperately attempted to wriggle myself away from his iron like grip.

"Just get in the f**cking car Alyssa! Don't test my patience. I will drop them a text.", he growled menancingly.

I didn't want to put up a scene as I knew that my family was still around the area. I cursed under my breath as I followed him.

"What was that?", he turned towards me with a forbidding stare.

I gulped the moment his eyes landed on me. He always knew how to have me abide to him. I despised how he made me feel like a petulant child. I felt like a puppet with him even though I knew he loved me.

It has been two months since he confessed how he felt for me. I have never felt happier than this moment. There is no greater feeling than to know that person you love feels the same about you.

At the same time, there was an angry and controlling side to Henry that I feared and hadn't seen for a while until now.

"Nothing.", I mewled cowardly.

He paused for a brief moment and closed his eyes as if he were in real pain. 

"Henry, what happened?", I touched his forearm in concern.

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