Chapter 14

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Alyssa's POV

I awoke to a dark room with Henry still asleep by my side. I'm nestled against him with our naked bodies touching each other. It was already night now. I wasn't sure what time it was nor how long we had been sleeping.

His face was now turned towards my direction and one of his hand was wrapped around my waist instinctively.

I stared at his beautiful face in awe. He looked peaceful, like a small boy who had no worry in the world. There were simply no traces of sadness, fear and anger that had been on his face when we came home.

I had not expected for us to end up in bed together. That was the last thing both of us had planned for. Honestly, I felt guilty that we had slept together again after all that had transpired with Anna. Neither one of us were able to restrain ourselves. We both acted on impulse and given our current situation, we should not have given into our desires. He needed me just like I did.

Moreover, I was afraid of how Henry would behave once he woke up. I couldn't predict how he would react. The last time we had slept together he had wanted nothing to do with me. I wouldn't be surprised if he acted the same way now. Being rejected by him was nothing new. I had no other choice but to force myself to be strong.

I caressed his cheeks tenderly. His beard was prickly and rough. I liked the feel of it against my hand. I ran my hands through his soft unruly hair. I resisted the urge to cry as I realised that he would never truly be mine. Though Anna had betrayed him in ways I couldn't digest, a part of me refused to admit that he had completely abandoned his feelings for her. He must still love her. His hatred of her actions may have blinded his love for her now.

Nonetheless, Henry could possibly reconcile with her. And, it made me wonder what would happen to our marriage. It was my sister's idea after all to have both of us get married. She was adament on the both of us leading a happy life together. She must have been insane to think that Henry could merely forget her and start afresh with me. I had already accepted the fact that Henry would never love me the way he loved Anna.

Despite all of this, I wanted to cherish the intimate moment that we were having now. I knew that it would be short lived. It was inevitable.

"I love you so much Henry, always.", I whispered softly and stroked his cheek again. He was still asleep like a log even though I was touching his face.

I snuggled closer to him with my head rested at the crook of his neck and his face just inches away from mine. Henry stirred in his sleep. A soft groan escaped his lips while his eyes fluttered open. They settled on my face and I felt heat creep up to my face.

"Hi.", I said, smiling shyly at him. My heart was beating rapidly at how he would respond to me.

His lips curved into a small playful smirk. I breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. He seemed to be in a good mood.

He took my hand tenderly and placed a soft kiss on the palm. I closed my eyes at his slight touch with pleasurable shivers coursing through my body.

I opened my eyes to see him staring at me intensely.

"I want you again.", he breathed coarsely, his voice raw with emotion.

I blinked back in surprise for a moment. Hearing those words from him was too good to be true. But, my heart still swelled with joy and warmth.

"I want you too, Henry.", I confessed without any hesitation, feeling more aroused then ever.

He interlocked his hand with mine while his other hand pulled my body flush against him.

He clashed his lips against mine. We devoured each other with ardent kisses.

"I can't get enough of you", he broke our fervent kiss halfway and nibbled on my lower lips. I moaned in response which made him bite even harder. I whimpered and he chuckled softly.

"I want you on top of me baby.", he whispered against my lips with his eyes blazing passionately.

He pecked my lips softly before he held onto to my waist and shifted me on top of me.

"Henry, what are you doing!", I giggled, trying to balance myself on top of me while he gave me a goofy grin.

My laughter soon ceased when he purposefully positioned my body over him so that I could feel how hard he was.

Both his hands were kneading my ass while I found balance by placing mine on his chest.

His eyes raked up and down my bare body, making me feel self-concious. I blushed and closed my eyes, entertaining the thought that he wouldn't be able to see me.

"Hey, look at me.", he cooed softly.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at him.

"You're beautiful Alyssa, so beautiful.", he gazed up at me while tracing his fingers up and down my bare back.

I could hardly believe that Henry thought I was beautiful. I couldn't contain my happiness. I bent forward and captured his lips. He returned my kisses back with burning passion.

With our chests pressed against each other, he guided himself into my entrance. Before long, he was completely inside of me. I could feel every inch of him within me. He was much deeper than before. I moaned loudly and buried my face into the crook of his neck, trying to get accustomed to the thickness and fullness of him. He didn't wait long though. He thrust himself into me, earning another surprised moan from me. He paused for a while before he pushed into me again.

"Look at me.", he commanded and I lifted myself up to see him.

"I love how you feel. God, you're so tight.", he groaned sexily while still in me.

He pushed my cascading hair away from my face and kissed me roughly.

While kissing me, he guided his hands to my ass and eased me further down onto himself.

My fingers dug into his chest as I slowly rocked back and forth. He was staring into my eyes while I was riding him.

"Faster baby.", he demanded and his hands gripped onto my waist firmly. I began to bounce up and down on him. He inhaled sharply when I started to increase my momentum.

"Yes...just like that...", he smirked while squeezing my breasts hard.

All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed my chest back to his. I couldn't move now with my body trapped against his. He  was still hard and throbbing inside of me. Before I could react, he lifted his thighs off the bed slightly and proceeded to thrust himself deeper into me. I yelped as his speed increased. He felt so good. He didn't pause at all. He contiued his sensual torture on me as I laid on him helpless. I purred and begged for more with every stroke.

"Yes baby, I'm going to come inside of you.", he growled while my forehead was pressed against his.

My eyes were squinted shut, absorbing everything that was building inside of me. I cried out in ectasy as I came hard and collapsed right on top of him.

"Alyssa....", Henry uttered my name with such reverence as he came. We held onto each other quietly while both us were desperately trying to catch our breath.

That was when my phone rang.

I used my remaining energy to pull myself away from Henry and reached for my phone on the nightstand.

I answered it without second thought.

"Hi Mom."

My body shook with trepidation when all I heard was crying on the other end.

A sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I looked back at Henry in fear.

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to write another romantic scene between Henry and Alyssa before the next chapter. You will find out why once I upload it hehe ;)

Anyways, as always, please don't forget to vote, comment, share. Thanks for reading bye! :)

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