Chapter 2

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Alyssa's POV

My eyes fluttered open to the rays of the sunlight streaming through the large glass window in the room. As my sleepiness faded away, it didn't take long for me to realise that I was in the large queen size bed.

How did I get here?

I didn't remember getting into bed the night before. I couldn't recall what had happened last night. All I remembered was that I had been crying and that was it. I was still wearing the same dress from last night. As I was wondering, the sound of the door creaking open startled me.

For a moment, it felt like my heart had stopped and I found it difficult to breathe. There he was standing at the doorway looking right at me. It was Henry. The last person I expected to see after what had transpired last night.

No matter how many times I saw Henry, my heart always skipped a beat. I have always wondered how could a man like Henry exist? He was the epitome of male perfection. He was tall and had a toned physique from all the years of following a strict diet and exercise regime. This was evident from how his muscles protruded through the fabric of his clothes. He also had piercing blue eyes that had specks of green running through them. They reminded me of the ocean when the sun hit the surface of the water. His chiselled jaw and and thick dark brown mane set atop his head made him even more attractive.

He could have easily been a model if he had wanted to. But, I knew Henry. He wanted to be known for more than his good looks. He worked hard and he is now the proud CEO of an architecture company. I remembered how he used to make models of buildings using cardboard boxes in his room while I peaked at him from outside his room, secretly admiring his work.

Just then, my fond memory of Henry was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"I think you have stared at me for way too long. It's starting to make me feel uncomfortable.", he said with a deadpan expression as he made his way over to the bed.

I could feel the heat creep up into my face. I must be blushing so bad now. I was embarrassed that he had caught me ogling at him. That was the effect Henry had on me. It was difficult for me to act normal around him. I was always awkward and shy around him. I had always admired him for afar, afraid of what he might think of my affection for him. But after our intense exchange with each other last night, it was certain that he didn't care if I had any ounce of feelings for him.

"I'm sorry." I murmured softly and looked at him timidly, afraid to say anything else.

"Do you have to apologise for everything? You need to grow some backbone.", he reprimanded me as if I were a small child.

I kept quiet at his remark while I looked down and played with my fingers. It was a nervous habit of mine that I have had since childhood.

I felt his weight settle on the side of the bed. I couldn't help but peak at him.

He was seated sideways on the bed, scrutinising me.

"What time did you wake up?", he questioned.

"Umm...just a while ago", I reply, my voice barely a whisper.

"I see." he nods while his hand rubbed up and down from the side of his jaw to his chin while he looked at me. Surprisingly, I had not noticed earlier that his usually clean shaved face was now covered with a five-o clock shadow beard. He was a wearing dark blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His t-shirt clanged on to the planes of his muscles, enhancing them further and his grey sweatpants hung low at his waist. How could someone look so good without even trying?

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