Chapter 1

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 Alyssa's POV

"No, please listen to me! Please!", I implored him. I grabbed onto his arm tightly, like a frightened child.

As I tried to stop him from leaving, he pulled away his arm from me fiercely as if I were a disease. He turned to me, his eyes burning with sheer anger and hatred.

"Don't you ever touch me again! I don't want your filthy hands on me!", he screamed in my face. A new wave of tears surged to my eyes and flowed down my tear-stained face.

"Please... Just...I'm sorry..." I sobbed. In response, he scoffed out loud and his face twisted in disgust.

"You're sorry?! This is all your fault!", he barked at me.

My whole body was trembling in fear from just being near him. He towered over me as I stood before him helpless. My eyes were cast down as I could not bear to look at him. I did not want to see the hate in his eyes. I didn't want him to hate me.

All I wanted from him was his love and nothing else. But, reality was cruel. I had been living in my head, imagining that this man had loved me all this while. I had harboured such hope and dreams about our future together, only to have it come crashing down right before my eyes.

"Look up at me!" he snarled. My head snapped up instinctively at his aggressive command.

I looked into his eyes timidly as he moved in closer to stand before me.

"This marriage...this is not real. None of this is real. I don't love you. I never did and never will.", he growled, his fiery gaze penetrating into my eyes.

At that very moment, a deep unfamiliar pain echoed through me. I just stared up at his beautiful face that was contorted in anger. I could barely utter a word nor was I able to cry.

He had rendered me speechless with his harsh words. Never had I imagined that I would be hearing those words from him.

He held my gaze for a short while. He looked at me as though he was expecting me to say something or perhaps retaliate him. However, words failed me again. I just stood there, rooted to the ground and hung my head low to conceal my emotions.

"Whatever, I can't deal with this shit now. Just leave me the hell alone!", he yelled before he stormed right out the door and slammed it shut.

Now, I was left all alone with nothing but the resonating silence in the room. There was nothing I could do. It was evident that he despised me and that he would never believe a word from me.

Then, why did he not say anything or oppose this marriage to begin with?

I could not comprehend what was going on. How could I have not known this? I had been such a fool to believe that Henry wanted me.

The tears that I had been desperately trying to fight off sprang to my eyes in that moment. I slid down the wall that I had been leaning on and brought my head to my knees. My body convulsed with wrecking sobs as the gravity of the situation had finally sunk in me.

"I don't love you. I never did and never will", his words echoed in my head as darkness consumed me. 

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Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. Please do vote and comment, as it will really help out alot.

By the way, I have uploaded Alyssa's picture, in case you were wondering how she looks like.

Happy reading bye! :) 

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