Chapter 24

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Alyssa's POV

It was hard to grasp what was going on.

I had dreaded coming here, knowing that I would have to face Anna again. But, I hadn't expected seeing her "boyfriend".

I was both appalled and flabbergasted. I couldn't believe Anna had the audacity to introduce Liam as her boyfriend amidst everything she had done. Furthermore, my parents were simply clueless. It seemed like they took a liking to Liam. 

But, it was obvious that Henry didn't feel the same way. I saw how his body tensed and his breathing had accelerated when Liam had introduced himself as Anna's boyfriend. I was afraid that he might lash out at him. I was glad he had managed to calm himself down and not give away anything especially with my parents around. 

On the other hand, I didn't know what to think of him. 

I knew she had multiple affairs while she was still with Henry. 

However, she never mentioned that she was in a real relationship with a guy.

Well, I didn't really know what to think of my sister anymore. I just gave up on the idea that she would change for the better.

With Henry away, I felt uneasy and my appetite to eat simply ceased. Soon, my parents excused themselves to tidy up the kitchen, leaving me all alone with Liam. I silently wished that Henry would return soon. However, he was still nowhere to be seen. I wondered what was so urgent that he had to leave abruptly?

"Aren't you hunrgy?", Liam eyes were transfixed on me. He looked genuinely concerned that I wasn't eating.

"I'm not that hungry.", I replied softly, hoping that he would shift his icy blue eyed stare away from me.

"Well, I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable or anything. ", he smiled at me kindly.

"No no, you're not. It's just that Anna has never told me that she had a boyfriend before. I was a bit surprised when I saw you today.", I confessed.

"Yeah, I know its a bit awkward and all. Trust me, I wanted to be introduced to all of you earlier. But, Anna didn't want that not until she was comfortable to do so. I didn't want to force her. When she just dissappeared two months ago, I was devastated. I texted, called, searched for her. I just couldn't find her. It took me so long to find her here.", he smiled sadly.

"It's okay, I understand now.", I nodded and returned a small smile.

It all made sense now. She had treated Liam the same way as Henry. I couldn't believe she had done this to Liam too. I felt bad for him. He didn't deserve to be led on like this. Regardless, it wasn't my place to tell him about Anna. I hope he would realise sooner or later and leave for good.

I decided not to ask him anything further about their relationship and both of us chatted about other things. I could see why Anna had been enamoured by him. He was funny, smart and charming. He seemed like a great guy that anyone could get along with. Liam was cracking a joke and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

I hadn't realised that Henry had already returned from his phone call. As he approached the dining table, I could see that his jaw was tense and his mouth was in a thin line. He threw an initimating stare in our way and I knew I was in trouble. I stopped laughing at the very sight of him. Liam turned around to see Henry and his laughter ceased too.

"I see that both of you were having fun without me.", he said through his gritted teeth as he made his way to the dining table.

"Yeah, we were just chatting and I was telling a joke to her. I have to admit, Alyssa is pretty funny too. She can make a joke or two herself.", Liam gave a friendly smile at Henry.

Unfortunately, he wasn't having it.

"I think it's time we left.", Henry said coldly.

"Ummm but you haven't finished your meal.", I replied timidly.

"We're leaving now.", Henry turned and glared at me.

I felt infuriated with how he was treating me again like he had in the past without any ounce of respect. He had been so sweet and loving towards me earlier and now he had become cold and bitter again.

I controlled my flaring temper and merely nodded at him. We left the table, said goodnight to my parents in the kitchen before saying goodbye to Liam.

"It was nice to meet you, Liam. Take care. Goodbye.", I shook Liam's hands while Henry stood by my side impatiently.

Liam stood up and before I knew it, he had enveloped me into a huge warm hug. I could hear the sharp intake of breath by Henry as he watched Liam and I hug.

"It was nice to meet you too, Alyssa. I hope to see you again.", Liam held onto me and rubbed his hands up and down on my back in a comforting gesture.

I was glad he didn't hold onto me any longer.

"Bye Liam.", Henry said his brief goodbye and guided me out of the house.

He stormed off infront of me towards the car, not uttering a single word to me. I followed behind him silently. I got into the car first and he walked to his side and slammed the door shut with great ferocity.

He started the car without glancing at me and began to drive. I couldn't contain the anger that was bubblimg within me.

"What's wrong with you Henry? Why did you behave like that back there?", I turned to him and folded my arms, demanding for an answer.

"Oh really? Don't pretend like you're clueless", he scoffed sarcastically.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!", I raised my voice at him, louder than I intended.

"Oh I saw how you and your best friend were enjoying and having the time of your lives.", he spat bitterly at me.

"Are you insane?! I was just being friendly with him. You're acting like a jerk now.", I retorted back.

"Listen to me Alyssa. You are not to see or speak to him again. You understand!", he stared at me dangerously.

"I'm not your puppet to play with Henry! You can't just order me around to your liking. I'm sick of your childish behaviour.", I could feel tears brimming at my eyes as I argued back.

"Not another word! You do as I say and that's it.", he didn't bother to look at me as he said those words with finality.

I turned away from him and gazed out the window. The tears I had fought to restrain fell down my cheeks. I wiped them away discreetly, knowing that the old Henry was back again.

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