Chapter 42

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Henry's POV

Bright white lights pierced through my vision the moment I opened my eyes.

I squinted and blinked several times until they finally adjusted to them. 

My head was throbbing unremittingly and excruciating pain radiated throughout my entire body. I winced as I attempted to get up.

"Henry? Omg, you're awake!"

It was Alyssa's voice.

In that moment, everything came flooding back to me. Our fight about Anna's letter, going to visit the detective but finding out it Liam had set me up, right to point where I was being beaten and tortured by that f*cking asshole and having Alyssa find me there. What happened after that was pretty much a blur. I had no recollection of what occurred after that.

"Alyssa?", I murmured weakly, my voice barely audible and recognisable even by myself.

"I'm right here.", I felt her warm hand embrace mine and I shifted my head over in the direction of her voice.

There she was, just how I remembered her. Her beautiful brown doe eyes brimming with tears with a small smile on her plump lips. I never thought I would see her again.

"Baby...", my voice wobbled, a clear indication that I was on the verge of tears.

She didn't hesitate to take me into her arms. I rested my head on her chest and despite my hardest attempt, I cried for as long as I could remember. Alyssa did the same too.

I thought I had lost her. The last memory I had of her was kissing me goodbye and after that, I must have  drifted in and out consciousness. I tried to fight it as much as I could but I had succumbed to it. 

I had failed to protect Alyssa when she needed me the most. I let my anger and foolishness get the best of me and left her alone in the house that night. I wish I could have turned back time...none of this would happened and I could have stopped Alyssa from getting involved in any of this.

Just having her with me now felt like a dream. I was afraid that I was going to wake up and she would vanish right before my eyes. I touched her face, her arms, every inch of her skin to ensure she was real and not a figment of my imagination.

"It's me baby...I'm your Alyssa.", she whispered as she kissed my head, my forehead, my cheeks, everywhere she could, saving my lips for last. I melted at the slightest touch her lips against mine. It was as though the pain had vanished. All I could care or want was only her. I devoured and relished her sweet lips with her returning my kisses with the same ardour. I found ourselves getting lost in the moment when the sound of the door opening jolted us.

It was Alyssa's dad.

"Ohhh....I'm sorry! I didn't know both of you were busy.", he guffawed loudly. Alyssa and I shifted away from each other awkwardly. 

"I'm glad to see you awake, Henry. We had been worried about you. It's been almost two days since we admitted you here.", my father in law stated grimly.

Two days?! 

"What? I was out for two days?", I asked incredulously. 

"Yes, you were. The doctors said you were dehydrated and malnourished. And, you had been strapped to the chair in the basement for a very long period. Your blood flow was restricted as a result and made you weak.", Alyssa explained.

Of course, I couldn't forget the things that f*ucker did to me. I needed to know what happened to him and how all of us including myself ended up here.

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