Chapter 26

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Henry’s POV

"Hey, give me some popcorn!", Alyssa protested playfully in my arms while I lifted the bowl high up in the air and away from her reach.

She wiggled in my arms and reached up to grab the bowl. I chuckled with amusement when she sulked like a small child.

We were seated on the sofa and watching a horror movie. Today was movie night and Alyssa had picked out a movie for us to see.

I wasn't all excited about it but I guess that what most couples did during nights at home. I had other plans to bring her out but Alyssa refused. She hasn't been in the mood for dates recently. Rather, she has been preoccupied with her thoughts about Anna. Anna's condition has been deteroriating rapidly with her having to visit the hospital frequently over the past two months.

Though Alyssa had been upset with her, I could see that she still cared for her. Out of love and genuine concern, she had visited Anna at her home and the hospital several times.

However, Anna wouldn't look or talk much to us. She was often of pain medications and asleep for most of the time. We had become complete strangers, it was as if we hadn't known each other at all. My love for her was now nothing but an empty void. I didn't wish to see her that often because it brought back many unpleasant memories that I wished to forget.

Nevertheless, I still accompanied Alyssa, knowing that the Liam would be there. I still wasn't comfortable around him. He had grown closer to my in-laws and I saw the twinkle in their eyes whenever he was around.

It irked me but I didn't have much proof on my end to validate my suspicions about him. I had tried to contact my detective but he seemed  to have trouble consolidating information about him. He always replied that he was working on it and once he had a solid report on him, he would contact me. So far, Liam had not acted promiscuous towards Alyssa. And that was all that mattered to me.

More than anything, the past two months have been nothing but bliss for me.

I finally came to terms with my true feelings for Alyssa. I had lied to myself, refusing to accept that I had loved her. I was too ashamed to confess to her after how much I had hurt her.  It had always been Anna for me and I couldn’t imagine loving someone else other than her.

But, Alyssa changed everything. She has changed me for the better. I had a hard time deciphering how she could love me this much even when I couldn’t even reciprocate her feelings. I tried to push her away and hurt her as much as I could. Even when I was in love with Anna, I felt my resolve slipping day by day. I hated that I was attracted to her. I despised her preservering love for me. No matter what I did to ward her off, she found a way to get under my skin. Somehow I found myself falling for her more and more.

After Anna betrayed me, I realised how much a fool I had been. I count my lucky stars for Alyssa being able to forgive and accept me. Now, I can finally make it up to her and show her how much she means to much I truly love her.

"Henry, stop being a jerk. Can you just give it to me!", she folded her arms in dismay and stared at me disapprovingly.

"What? I'm a jerk now just because I don't want to pass you some popcorn.", I laughed.

"Fine, I'm just going to watch the movie now.", she shifted away from me and sat at the other end of the sofa.

"Hey come on, I was just playing with you.", I moved towards her and wrapped my arms around her.

She tried to wriggle herself out of my hold but I hugged her tighter and placed her huge peck on her soft full cheeks.

She gave me the side eye and smiled lightly.

I pointed to my cheeks, indicating for her to kiss me. She flashed a huge grin and wrapped her hands around my neck. She pressed her lips on my cheeks and wiggled her face left and right. She tightened her embrace, bringing me closer to her and refused to let me go. I loved how playful and uninhibited she was with me now.

"Baby, I think that's enough", I chuckled and she finally let me go.

"You have been quite temperamental lately.", I teased her. Lately, she would be playful one minute and become moody the next. It was hard to predict how she would react.

She stuck her tongue out at me and I pushed her down on the sofa.

Her eyes became wide when she knew of my intention.

"Henry, it's supposed to be movie night.", she giggled.

"Well, we can make our own movie. What do you say?", I pushed myself into her suggestively and she swatted my chest in embarrasment.

Alyssa's body was different now. She was eating better now. She ate more than usual nowadays. I was glad that she had a healthy appetite and took better care of herself as compared to before. I made sure of it too. Her petite frame was fuller now with curves that was set in all the right places. Her cheeks had filled out more too.

My hands travelled to her thighs and I squeezed them tenderly. Alyssa gasped softly as she gazed up at me.

"I love how you feel now.", I whispered softly as I traced random patterns on her thighs. I could see her eyes swimming with a mixture of lust and love.

"It's because you won't stop bringing me on those dates.", she pouted.

"I love you just the way you are. And, I can't stop having enough of you.", I pressed myself against her and kissed her passionately.

I could feel myself getting hard and her hands went down to unbuckle the belt on my jeans with urgency. Things were beginning to get hot and heavy when Alyssa's phone rang.

"Seriously?!", I groaned out loud in frustration that our sexy time was interuppted. This wasn't the first time that it happened and it was usually Alyssa's mom who ruined the moment. I hoped it was not her calling this time. I liked her but not so much at the moment.

We moved off each other and Alyssa reached for her phone on the side table. In the darkness, the phone screen illuminated and unknown number reflected on it.

"Who could it be?", Alyssa pondered, hesitating to answer

"Put it on speaker.", I suggested.

She nodded and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?", she answered and I instanly recognised it as Liam's voice.

How in the hell did he get Alyssa's phone number?!

I was furious. Why was he calling her  and at this time of the night?!

"Alyssa...", Liam's voice came out as a loud cry.

"Liam?! What happened, tell me!", Alyssa began to panic.

He sobbed for a few seconds before he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry Alyssa....Anna is gone."

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