Chapter 39

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Alyssa's POV

More tears flowed down my eyes as Liam continued to speak.

"You know why I wanted to see you again? It was not because I cared for you. I despised you. Because of what your father and you did to my family.
If it weren't for my mother's affair and you, she would have still been with my dad and me. I would have had both my parents' love. Do you know how much I suffered? I had to go from one foster home to another. I didn't have a proper roof over my head. I ran away from the homes so many times because I never belonged there. My foster parents and siblings couldn't love me the way my parents did. It was never the same...sometimes I got physically and verbally abused by them too.", Liam frantically wiped an escaped tear from his eyes. It was the time I saw the lost and vulnerable boy in him.

"It took me a while to understand and appreciate my dad's sacrifice. He had made the wh*re and her boy toy pay for their mistakes. It was then that I decided I was going to find you and make you pay as well. It took me a very long time to find you. Somehow, I managed to track down the orphanage you were in a few years back. I hacked into their record system and found your adoptive parent's address. It would have been easy to just barge into your house and ended your life in an instant. But, I wanted you to suffer slowly, make your every day life a living hell before you died. So, I followed each and every move of you and your family. You're just like me Alyssa. You yearn and crave for love. Your new parents gave it to you but not Anna. She despised you just like I did. I also found out about your crush on this idiot.", he wagged his finger to Henry, earning a angry glare from him.

"So, I thought why not turn the people who you loved the most against you? Anna already hated you before I came into the picture. It wasn't that hard to aggravate her anger for you. A few years back, I discovered that she was already cheating on Henry. I took the opportunity to introduce myself to her and we hit it off. She tried to hide her relationship from me but I was not a fool. Of course, I knew but I pretended that I had no clue about it. I wanted her to be still in a relationship with Henry because it kept him away from your reach. He was too loved up with Anna to even care about anyone especially you. I almost screwed everything up by getting her pregnant. I had no time to deal with it and had her abort it. You know...sometimes, I couldn't stand Anna. I mean she was great in bed and all but she was a b*tch. However, I always knew how to subdue her...hitting seemed to help alot.", Liam shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"You're f*cking disgusting! How could you have the heart to do all of this?", I spat him. Henry's disgruntled groans echoed around the basement as he  struggled to get out of the ties that binded him to the chair.

"I don't have a heart to begin with my dear sister.", he chuckled ominously.

"By the way, I'm not finished yet. As I was saying, I waited for the right time to strike. I still hadn't come up with a proper plan on how to revenge you. There's a saying that the universe always has a way of making things fall into place. When Anna told me that she had a brain tumour, I was shocked. I needed more time with her so that I could use her to get to you. I was upset until something clicked in my mind. That was how I came up with this entire marriage sham between you and Mr. A**hole here. It was genius. I was making you marry a man that couldn't stand the sight of you and was in love with another woman and a sister that wanted to make your life miserable. Well, your sister had no other choice but to listen to whatever I told her to do. She began developing a soft spot for you once she realised she didn't have much time left. I couldn't allow her to ruin everything. I'm glad she's gone for good. That sneaky little b*tch tried to warn you by writing this letter. Guess what, I turned it to my advantage. I had found out that both of you had fallen in love against all odds and I couldn't allow that. So, I used it to stir up trouble between the both of you. It worked and I got to lure you both here... and finally put an end to this.", he smiled victoriously.

"You're a monster! I won't let you get away with this!", I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"We'll see about that.", Liam growled when all of a sudden, the lights in the basement went out.

Hi guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Initially, I uploaded Chapter 38 as 2 part series then decided to split them into two chapters instead as I realised some readers were not reading both parts (reading only part 1 or part 2) and that would cause them to miss alot of the story.

I didn't want to put them all in one chapter to avoid it being draggy or overwhelming.

So, please read Chapter 38 and 39 if you don't want to miss the details!

As always, remember to hit that star button and let me know your thoughts about this chapter in the comments below.

I'll upload the Chapter 40 around next week. So stay tuned for it.

Thanks for reading bye! :)

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