Chapter 13

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Alyssa's POV

I ran to the door on his room and attempted to open the door. It was locked.

"Henry, open the door!", I started banging the door in desperation.

The tumultuous noises ceased the moment he heard my voice.

"Get lost!", he shouted defiantly.

"No, not until you let me in! I will continue to hit on this door until you open!", I challenged him back.

However, he didn't open the door nor did he reply back.

I hit the door continuously and called out his name repeatedly.

An unnerving feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. It was eerily quiet now as compared to earlier.

"Henry, please open the door!", I cried, tears streaming down my face now.

Still, there was no reply.

"Henry! Open the door goddammit!", I was using both of my hands to hit on the door violently.

That was when the door creaked opened slowly.

I pushed open the door wider to reveal Henry sitting at the foot of his bed amidst his destruction.

There were shards of glasses shattered almost everywhere on the floor.

All his trophies that he had won for his company laid in broken fragments.

His study table was flipped over, his bed sheets were ripped apart and the cotton fluff from his pillows were strewn everywhere.

His entire bedroom had been dilapidated beyond reason.

I carefully stepped into the room to avoid being cut by the glass pieces and walked towards him.

He was sitting in a fetal position with his hands folded over his knees and his head buried in them.

I knelt down beside him and touched him arm gently. In an instant, his eyes lifted to mine.

I was taken aback by the grief and anguish I saw in them. The anger that had once been in them was no longer to be seen.

His eyes were red and puffy. He immediately shifted his eyes elsewhere to hide the fact that he had been crying all this time.

"Henry, I'm sorry. I know how you feel.", I tried to console him.

"You have seen me ready. I'm fine. Now just leave me alone.", he sniffled.

"No, I'm not leaving you. Stop pushing me away, Henry. Why won't you talk to me? I know you're hurting. I can't stand to see you like this.", my eyes became wet. It was my turn to cry now.

I saw his eyes soften at my reaction. I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my hands around his shoulder and pushed him towards me. His head landed on my chest while I hugged him tightly. Initially, his body was rigid.

After a while, he relaxed and his hands encircled my waist. He snuggled closer into me while I rubbed my hands up and down his back. I could hear quiet sobs coming from him. The wetness of his tears soaked into my sweater. I was crying along with him too.

"Please, don't cry. I'm here, Henry. I'm here for you.", I kissed the top of his head while he hugged me even tighter.

We held onto each other for a while when he pulled away and wiped his eyes roughly with the back of his hand. He looked like he was ashamed to have cried in front of me.

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