Chapter 20

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Alyssa's POV

Henry finally knew the secret that I had kept buried in me for years.

"But, I don't get it...How do you know?", he was perplexed and intrigued at the same time.

"Well...I was about 9 years old. One night, I was thirsty and I went to get some water. When I passed by their room, I overheard my parents talking about me. They must have thought I was asleep. I still remember she was worried that I may find out the truth and would not regard her as my mother anymore or that I would despise our entire family. Dad was comforting her.", I paused briefly and looked at Henry.

We were seated next to each other on the edge of the bed with our legs brushing each other. He gazed at me with concern.

"When I knew the truth...I didn't know what to or how to react. I was in shock. Being that age and finding out that your entire life has been a lie and that your parents and sister aren't really yours...", I fought back the tears that threatened to fall down.

I felt his hand over my shoulder as he inched me closer to him. That was all it took for me to burst into tears. I hid my face in his shoulder, trying to hide my tears. It was a catharatic release.

"Alyssa, it's alright. Please don't cry.", I could feel the pain in his voice for me.

It only made me cry harder. He tilted my chin up and wiped away my falling tears.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?", he asked earnestly.

"I didn't want anyone to know. It doesn't matter if I'm adopted. They have done nothing but shower me with love. Even after I found out the truth, I saw how they treated me like their own. They never treated me any different from Anna. It just made me love them more. From that day on, I decided that I would keep this as a secret. I would continue living life as if nothing had changed. They are my family and will always be.", I croaked amist my tears.

His eyes softened at that moment. He looked at me with an unknown expression, I didn't know if it was awe our pity.

His eyes travelled down to my lips and back to my eyes, as though he was seeking permission from me.

I placed my hands on both sides of his face and pressed my lips against his. He moaned softly at the touch of my lips. He pulled me closer to him.

There was a sense of urgency in the way he was kissing me. Both our tongues caressed each other as our kiss grew deeper.

Amidst our passionate exchange, I didn't realise that he had lowered me onto the bed. His body was flush against mine and I could already feel how hard he was. I ached for his touch.

I wrapped my legs around his hips and used my legs to push him closer to me. He chuckled playfully at my audacious move.

"Getting daring, are we?", he winked at me before sweeping down for another kiss. This time he nibbled on my lower lips till I whimpered. He groaned sexily and shifted his attention towards my chest. He nuzzled his nose in between my peaks and inhaled deeply. I sighed in pleasure.

"Do you know intoxicating you are?", he peaked up, his eyes burning with desire . His look alone made me wet.

As we were lost in the heat of the moment, an image of Henry kissing Anna suddenly flashed in my mind. It felt like someone had thrown a bucket of water of me.

He bent down again to kiss me again. His lips touched mine but I didn't respond.

"What's wrong?", he looked at me in confusion.

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