Chapter 15

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Henry's POV

"Alyssa, who's that?", I immediately sat up in bed. I was confused. Her face looked ashen and had lost all its colour. It was as though she had seen a ghost.

She didn't bother to answer me. Instead, she held onto the phone like her life depended on it. It didn't bother her that she was standing naked. She stood frozen and listened to the call silently.

"Mom, please calm down. Just tell me what happened.", she finally spoke up. So, it was her Mom. But why did she call at this hour? What was so urgent that she had to ring us up at this time?

"What?!", Alyssa started to cry and I knew something was terribly wrong.

I hopped out of bed and went to her side.

"Alyssa, why are you crying? What happened?", I placed my hand on her shoulder and her wet eyes lifted up to mine. She looked distressed.

She couldn't answer me. More tears swam in her eyes and trickled down her baby face.

I could hear her mom's crying emanate through the phone.

"Pass me the phone Alyssa.", I instructed her, knowing that she was not in the state to speak.

She immediately obliged and I took the phone from her.

"Hello, Mrs Heather. I'm Henry here. Can you please tell me what's going on?", I asked anxiously.

"Henry...its Anna. She fell down the stairs. We called the ambulance. We're at the hospital now. ...", Mrs Heather wept.

"What?! Is she alright?", my heart was pounding furiously.

"I don't know Henry. She had blood coming out of her mouth after the fall. I don't know if she hit her head poor baby. The doctor's are examining her now. Henry, will you and Alyssa come down to the hospital now.", she cried hysterically.

"Okay don't worry, we will be there soon.", I tried to pacify her before I ended the call.

I felt Alyssa's hand on my arm. She was still standing by my side and sobbing quietly. My own eyes were now blurred by tears that threatened to fall down.

Seeing my tears, she wrapped her arms around me and hid her face in my chest. She began to cry even more than before.

I hugged her tightly and buried my face on the top of her head. I inhaled the scent of her hair. For some unknown reason, having Alyssa in my arms made me feel safe.

"Henry, I'm scared. What if something happened to her?", she looked up at me.

"I'm scared too.", I desperately tried to blink back my tears.

"You love her so much, don't you?", Alyssa took my face into her hands and stared deeply into my eyes.

"Alyssa....I....", I simply stared back at her at a lost for words.

"I understand Henry. You don't have to say anything to me. I know how you feel.", she gazed at me with so much love and also with pain. She was obviously hurting inside yet she cared about me. Even now, she cared about her sister regardless of all that she had done.

Moreover, I had come to the realisation that I still cared for Anna as much as I wanted to deny it. When I heard that she had fell down and been taken to the hospital, it felt like my heart had stopped. Even though I was mad with her, I wanted to know if she was fine and well.

Alyssa snapped me out of my thoughts when she stood on her toes and placed a soft delicate kiss on my lips. She wanted to pull away but I held her by the waist and deepened the kiss. There was an untold urge in me not to let her go. She reciprocated by tugging on my hair and slipping in her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced in unison with one another. I could feel my growing erection. It was so hard to control myself with Alyssa. My body craved for her. There was something about Alyssa that drove me crazy. She was a mixture of innocence and sexiness. She was stunning. It surprised me that no man had managed to sweep off her feet. But then, Alyssa never cared for other men. She only wanted me and that had not changed at all.

I pulled away from her, guilt eating away inside of me. She was breathing hard and her lips were swollen now from all the kissing. We both were still naked and it was a good thing that I initiated for us to stop. Furthermore, this was not the time for that. We had to rush to the hospital to see Anna. And, I couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Alyssa was quick to understand as well.

"I'm going to take a quick shower to freshen up. I'll go shower now.", she hugged herself awkwardly. I laughed inwardly at her failed attempt to shield her nakedness now when it did not seem to bother her earlier. I was also naked and I knew that standing here any longer would make the situation even more uncomfortable.

"Good idea. I'll clean up the mess on the floor first then shower in the other room.", I tried so hard not to look at her naked body. It made me want her more.

She quickly walked into the bathroom and closed the door shut. I sighed heavily while cleaning the floor. I couldn't help but question if what I was doing with Alyssa was wrong. I was certainly leading her on while I wasn't sure about us. But, I couldn't help it.

"What have you got yourself into!", I whispered under my breath while running my hand over my face in exasperation.

I shook my head to dispel my wayward thoughts. The only person I needed to think of now was Anna.

"Wait for me Anna, I'm coming to see you.", I prayed silently before heading off to get ready.

Hi guys! Hope you liked this chapter. So Anna is the hospital after a fall. What do you guys think will happen to Anna?

If you want answers, stay tuned for the next few chapters. As always, feel free to vote and comment. Thanks for reading bye! :)

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