Chapter 16

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Alyssa's POV

Henry and I both dressed hurriedly and left for the hospital as soon as we could.

My mind was wandering all over the place. I was feeling extremely restless. I couldn't sit still in the car. My legs were bouncing up and down while I bit on my nails nervously. I stared out into the road, hoping that Anna would be fine. There was no call or message from Mom or Dad again. I wondered what was her condition now.

"Alyssa, she's going to be fine.", I heard Henry's reassuring voice which brought me back to reality.

He glanced at me from the driver's seat before his eyes shifted back to the road. He looked genuinely concerned.

"I don't know Henry, I feel guilty.", I replied.

"Why?", he responded back with a confused look.

"Because I know she hurt the both of us. She told me everything about what she did to you and me. I was so angry with her. I have never been this angry before. But, I should have given her chance....Maybe this wouldn't have happened.", I blabbered on.

"It's not your fault, you know that right. None of this is your fault.", his voice was firm.

"It is, you told me that yourself on our first night.", I pointed out the truth to him. I still remembered how he had told me that this entire thing was my fault. Honestly, I felt that way. If I hadn't been in the picture, maybe Henry could have still been happy with Anna. And, she would not have to do deal with her insecurities about me. Things would have been better without me.

"Alyssa...I didn't mean that.", his voice was pained and ridden with guilt.

"It's okay Henry, I don't blame you either. You were forced into this marriage just like I was. I wish she would have thought things through before she did this.", I sighed heavily.

"It's a little too late to wish for that. I can't believe she thought both of us would be happy together.", he scoffed in dismay.

"Yeah...", I nodded while forcing a faint smile on my face. He had said it himself. There was no future for the both of us. He didn't want a future with me.

I was glad that we were arriving at the hospital soon as I didn't think I could continue a normal conversation with him after that. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat as we pulled up into the carpark of the hospital.

I got out of the car first with Henry following me behind.

"Hi, we're here to see a patient.", Henry spoke to the staff at the main counter.

Her eyes roamed greedily over him like she was going to eat him alive. I was barely visible to her in the presence of Henry.

"Yes sir, could you kindly provide us with the patient's name.", she asked in a disgustingly sweet voice that was revolting to my senses.

I wanted to roll my eyes badly but supressed the urge to do so.

Henry didn't seem to care that the lady was flirting with him. He just gave her the details she asked and she registered both of us to see Anna.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?", she flashed her brightest smile to Henry.

"No, that will be all.", I stepped in before Henry could speak and flashed a fake smile towards the lady. Her smile fell in an instant.

I didn't know what had got into me.

Henry was clearly puzzled at my audacious behaviour towards the lady.

"Ummm, thank you.", Henry thanked the lady politely before he walked forward. I caught up with him.

"What was that?", Henry turned to me.

"What was what?", I asked him.

"I saw that you were rude to the staff at the counter. Why were you jealous?", he retorted back with an annoying smirk.

"What? No! Why would I be jealous?", I scoffed and frowned at him.

"Alright then.", he answered nonchalantly and bit on his lips as though he was trying to fight a smile.

I wanted to retaliate but something else caught my attention.

It was my parents whom were seated outside Anna's room. I quickened my steps towards them. Mom was the first one to get up from her seat at the sight of me.

"Mom!", I cried and threw my arms around her.

It wasn't long before Mom was crying in my arms.

"Its ok Mom, Anna's going to be alright." I pulled away from her and wiped the tears from her face.

I hugged Dad too. Dad was much more calm and composed as compared to Mom. But, he always hid his true feelings from everyone. Though he tried to conceal his emotions, I knew he was agonised by the entire situtation.

"How's Anna now? What did the doctor's say?", Henry didn't waste any time in finding about her condition.

"Her doctor ran some tests on her and said that brain tumour is growing rapidly. There's nothing much they can do at their end. For now, they have stabilised her condition and she is expected to wake up soon.", Dad explained.

Henry nodded somberly. 

All of us knew that Anna's days were numbered. It would only be a matter of time before....I couldnt think about it.

"Hi, are you here to see Anna?", a nurse emerged from Anna's room at that moment.

"Yes, can we see her?", Henry asked eagerly. I looked at him. He was dying to meet her. It was written all over his face. I flinched slightly in pain, not able to see the look of anticipation and relief on his face from going to see Anna.

"Stop it Alyssa!", I chided myself mentally to ignore my unwelcomed thoughts.

"Yes of course. But, please don't be too loud. She just woke up from her sleep. Might take a while before she's fully awake. Anyways, take care.", she smiled at all of us before heading off in another direction.

"Hey, you okay? You seen preoccupied?", Henry placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a concerned look.

It took me a while to realise that my parents had already gone into the room.

"It's nothing." I lied and brushed it off.

"Hey, look at me.", he whispered sofly and tilted my chin up to his gaze.

His tense features had softened and his eyes searched mine as though he was trying to read me.

"What's the matter, Alyssa? Tell me.", he persisted.

"I don't know....I'm just scared...I mean...", I stuttered and gave up trying to say anything more. He wouldn't understand what I was truly scared of.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Everything's going to be alright... I'm here with you.", he stared intensely into my eyes.

His words caught me off guard. I stared back at him in surprise.

That was when he held my face tenderly with both his hands and laid the softest feather-like kiss on my lips.

"Let's go in. Anna will be waiting for us.", he said before he pushed the door to lead us into her room.

Hi lovelies! In this chapter, we got to see a nicer side of Henry. Do you think it will last? And what do you think about Alyssa's jealousy? Let me know in the comments. And as always, don't forget to vote guys ;)

Next chapter will be uploaded soon. Thanks for reading bye! :)

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