Chapter 18

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Henry's POV

"Alyssa, wait!", I called after her.

She had dashed out of the room before I could stop her. I ran out to the hallway to find her but she was nowhere to be seen.

"F*uck!", I cursed loudly and ran my hands through my hair in exasperation. An elderly lady who was seated along the hallway gave me a disapproving stare. I ignored her and went back into the room. I could still feel the stinging sensation on my face from where Alyssa had hit me. I had never been hit before. The look of dissapointment and betrayal on her face was still freshly imprinted in my head. I had not meant for this to happen. None of this was my fault.

"Why did you kiss me?!", I roared at Anna at the top of my voice.

"I'm sorry Henry. I just...I didn't know what came over me. Just being around you, reminded me of our old times...I'm so sorry.", she cried uncontrollably.

"Really? Our old times. You should have thought about that before you killed our child and cheated on me. And now, you're talking about our old times!", I scoffed at her.

Anna visibly shrinked at my harsh words.

"Henry, I know what I did was wrong. No matter how many times I apologise it won't be enough. But, I have really changed. Believe me.", she implored.

"No, you have not changed. We were just talking and you kissed me out of nowhere. You did this on purpose. You knew Alyssa would be back soon. So, you wanted to get back at her, didn't you?", I barked at her.

"No Henry, I didn't do any of this on purpose. I..I..", she stuttered amidst her tears.

"I'm married to her Anna. I'm her husband now.", I sighed loudly.

"Her husband? You didn't even give a shit about her before.", she laughed sarcastically.

Her crying had completely ceased and she no longer looked pitiful. In fact, she looked the opposite of that.

"What did you say?", my teeth gritted and my hands clenched at my sides.

"Didn't you hear me? I think your hearing is getting a bit rusty. Might want to get it checked.", Anna challenged me.

Her true colours were finally coming out. And, I was finally seeing her for who she really was.

Before I could say anything further, she got out of bed and came to stand before me.

"Why do you care for her so much? Why all of a sudden?", she folded her arms and glared at me.

"Its none of your business. She's my wife. I don't need to give an explanation to you.", I shot back at her.

A knowing smile crept on her face.

"Ohhh I know what happened. You slept with her, didn't you? That's why you're acting all weird.", she smirked at me.

"Enough!", I snapped, demanding for her to stop.

"Why Henry, does the truth hurt?", she smiled at me arrongantly.

"You're insane! So all of this was an act?", I growled at her.

She laughed maniacally. She seriously had lost her mind.

"Answer me!", I grabbed hold her arm tightly and she tried to free herself from my hold.

The more she tried to fight me, the more tighter my hold got on her. She whimpered in pain when I gripped tighter.

"Fine, I'll tell. Just let my hand go.", she mewled.

I let her hand go and stared down at her, waiting for her to speak.

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