Chapter 34

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Alyssa's POV

I arrived at Liam's place. I walked up to the suburban home that stood before me.

It was located a few neighbourhoods away from my parents. He had decided to move over here after Anna had got sick.

This was the first time I was visiting his house. I never had the opportunity to come here. It's not that I didn't want to but I had to turn down Liam every time he invited me over because of Henry.

I hadn't realised just how huge his house was. It was two storeys high with an ample lawn in the front and a garage that was situated to the side of the house. It could easily house six to seven people comfortably.

However, Liam was the only one staying in it. He didn't really share much about his family or past with me. I knew he was wealthy and could afford to buy a house like this.

A thought of Henry and I living in a house like this flashed before my eyes. I imagined us with our future children running around and us chasing after them. I smiled to myself, knowing that it would be a reality soon.

I walked up the steps to front porch of the house. I pressed the door bell and look around the surrounding as I waited for Liam. He didn't open the door. I pressed again. There was still no sign of him. I waited a while befotr pressing it for the third time. I heard heavy footsteps approaching the door and Liam opened to me. He was breathing heavily and had sweat on his forehead.

"Sorry, I was shifting some boxes in my room upstairs. Come on in." he apologized and gestured for me to come in.

I stepped in and was in awe. His interior was contemporary and sophisticated as compared to the exterior of the house. The walls were painted an off grey colour with sleek white and black furniture that complimented it. Everything was neat and organised in his place.

"Your place is amazing!", I gushed and he gave me a wide grin.

"It's nothing really.", he was obviously being humble.

"You designed it yourself?", I asked out of curiousity.

I regretted asking the question as his face fell in an instant.

"No, Anna helped me pick out alot of things. Her favourite part was the kitchen. He designed most of it on her own." He murmured softly. He was still mourning over Anna.

I felt bad for him though. He really did love Anna... just like Henry did. Yet, she wasn't appreciative of how much they cared for her. I hoped that Liam would find the strength to move on after this.

"Can we see the kitchen?", I tried to distract Liam for his melancholic state.

That seemed to work and he happily guided me to the kitchen area. The counters were black and had white marbled tops along with silver kitchenware. It matched my sister's sophisticated taste.

"It's stunning.", I commented and Liam walked over to the oven and retrieved something.

"I made some pancakes earlier. I put them in the oven so that they were warm when you got here.", he casted a kind smile my way and placed some pancakes on a plate and drizzled some maple syrup on them.

"That's really sweet of you, Liam. Thank you.", I returned his warm smile.

He sat next to me and we ate breakfast together at the dining table. Even though we were engaging in small talk with each other, my mind kept on drifting back to Henry again. I found myself sinking back into my anxious state.

"Alyssa, what's wrong?", he sensed the shift in my mood.

"He has not replied yet. Something's wrong Liam. I should go out and look for him. I need to know that he's okay...", my strong resolve had dissipated to nothing at this moment. I began to sob uncontrollably which caught Liam off guard.

", please don't cry.", he hurried out of his chair and took me into his arms.

I was still seated and crying into his chest while he stood quietly and rubbed my back to console me.

I hadn't realized what I was doing until a few minutes later. I pulled away from Liam awkwardly.

"I'm sorry...I...", I stuttered while I wiped my wet cheeks roughly.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologise.", he smiled down at me sheepishly.

"Henry's never done this before. He would always let me know where he was going or if something was holding him up. It's not like him to avoid me like this even though we fought. Something must have happened to him Liam. I just can't shake off this feeling..I'm scared Liam. What should I do now?", I babbled on mindlessly.

"Okay, you have to calm down first. Nothing will happen to Henry. I'm sure he is fine and it will only be a matter of time before he returns home. You have to be brave.", he advised.

"Well, I just can't sit here and do nothing. I have to try to contact him somehow.", I picked up the phone and began dialing his number again. It went to voicemail as usual.

A new wave of tears surged back to my eyes at my pathetic attempt to call his phone again, even though I knew it would be useless. I slammed the phone in agitation against table.

He didn't utter a word. He waited for me to calm down while he stood there by my side patiently.

"Should we call the police?", I suggested.

"No, I don't think that's such a good idea", he shook his head.

"Well, why not? At least they can do something, try to locate his whereabouts? It has been too long ready", I whined.

"Calling the police is not going to solve anything. In fact, it's only going to make things worse. Think about it. What if they sensationalise this news over the media? They will start circulating fake rumours about his disappearance. It would be detrimental to Henry's business. What if he shows up after we have lodged a report with the police? We're just blowing this out of proportion. He is just mad with you. That's why he is staying away from you. He just needs space. He will come back to you in no time. Let's just give it a few more hours, alright? And if he doesn't show up, we will decide to get help then." he squeezed my shoulder to comfort me. At this point, I had no other choice but to nod in agreement.

I wasn't hungry anymore.

"I'm full.", I lied.

"You sure?", he asked with concenrn.

I gave a curt nod and he didn't press me any further.

Being the gentleman he is, he offered to clear the plates for me despite my protest and swiftly brought them to sink.

As I got up, my vision started to become disoriented and my body began to sway.

All I heard was Liam's voice calling out to me before everything went blank.

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