Chapter 46

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Alyssa's POV

"Hi, I'm Dr Matthew. Nice to meet you.", the doctor and my dad shook hands as we rushed back to Liam's bedside.

I looked at Liam, who seemed to have calmed down but he still refused to look at or acknowledge anyone's presence. He briefly looked up at the doctor and went back to staring at his hands.

I had never seen Liam act like this before. It was disconcerting to say the least.

"I understand that you wanted to find out more about Liam's condition.", Dr Matthew spoke.

"Yes, we want to know what happened to him.", Dad replied.

"I believe you might have already known that he had three bullet shots. One of which landed near this neck area.", the doctor proceeded to explain.

"We're already aware of that.", Henry snapped at the doctor and I squeezed on his shoulder to stop his rude behaviour.

I glared at him when he turned back to look at me and in return, he rolled his eyes at me defiantly.

Even though he might have softened up towards me, there was no denying he was still bossy and domineering as ever.

Dr Matthew didn't seem to take offense and continued.

"To put in simple terms, the area where the bullet hit resulted in severe neck trauma, which in turn has impeded his speech ability...that explains why he's not able to speak at the moment."

"You mean he won't be able to speak at all?", I was the one to question the doctor this time round.

"Thankfully no...he will be able to speak with help from a speech therapist. We will refer him to our therapist in the hospital for further treatment. But, we have no idea when he will be able to regain his full ability to speak again. It could be months...or even a year. We do not know at this moment. Hopefully with continued therapy and Liam's perseverance, we might be able to see rapid progress and a faster recovery."

The room was silent. No one dared to ask another question as we struggled to digest what we had just heard.

Liam won't be able to speak...because of a gunshot inflicted by my mother.

I turned my head in Liam's direction. He didn't move an inch nor did he cry. He just sat there and continued to stare at his hands absentmindedly.

"Is there...anyway we can help him out? There has to be some other way...", I still couldn't accept what the doctor had told me.

I wondered why I still cared for him so much even after he had tried to kill all of us.

"I'm afraid there's nothing much we can do right now other than start him on speech therapy. I'll speak with the therapist at our hospital to start his treatment as soon as possible.", Dr Matthew passed me an apologetic look.

I felt sick to my stomach. I knew what Liam did to us was terrible...something that can't be forgiven easily. But, even now, I felt sorry for him. Maybe something's wrong with for me for feeling this way but I couldn't help but sympathise with his predicament.

"I have to take my leave now. If you have any other questions, you can look for me. ", Dr Matthew smiled at us politely before leaving the room. Shortly after, Mr Garrett stepped outside to answer an urgent phone call.

I shifted my attention towards Henry in his wheelchair. He seemed to not be bothered by any of this.

On the other hand, Dad's face was pale. He looked remorseful and deeply saddened, just like myself.

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