Chapter 19

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Henry's POV

"Answer Alyssa, please.", I begged silently within me.

I had called her so many times that I had lost count. Her phone kept ringing but she never picked up my calls. I started to get more worried as each second passed by. I was already driving to our house. I had a feeling that she would be in the house. I parked my car hurriedly and rushed inside.

"Alyssa!", I called out for her as soon as I entered.

I heard faint noises coming from her room and quickened my pace to it. As suspected, she was there. However, she didn't care to acknowledge my presence.

Her hair was unkempt and pulled into a messy ponytail. Her face was red and puffy. It was obvious that she had been crying alot. She ignored me as she reached into the cupboard to grab her clothes and dump into the suitcase on her bed.

"What are you doing?", I asked, bewildered.

"I'm leaving.", she answered curtly.

"No, you're not leaving.", I walked to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!", she jumped at my touch and glared at me.

She was fuming with anger. I pulled my hand back, feeling a sting of rejection.

"Why didn't you answer my calls, Alyssa? I was worried", I asked softly.

I was surprised at how calm I sounded. Usually, I would have been the one to have lost my temper. The tables had reversed now.

"Why should you be worried about me? I'm no one to you.", she replied in a dejected manner.

"Alyssa, don't say that.", I didn't know why but her words hurt me.

"What do you want me to say, Henry? You kissed her!", she threw her clothes that were in her hand across the room. Her tears were free flowing and her lips were trembling from her outburst.

"Alyssa, its not what you think. She kissed me. She forced herself on me.", I tried to convince her.

"I knew this would happen. I was so stupid to think that you would ever want me. I kept on telling myself that I didn't stand a chance. But, when we made love...", she paused, struggling to speak.

"I thought you must have felt something for me. You were right, it will always be Anna. I should have known better.", her eyes were downcast on the floor, refusing to look at me.

"No Alyssa...I...I", I stuttered, desperately finding the right thing to say.

"You don't need to say anything, Henry. I have heard and seen enough. I can't do this anymore.", she choked.

I understood what she meant and I felt my heart sink.

"No, Alyssa. Please listen to me. We can talk. You don't have to leave now.", I reached for her hands and covered them with mine.

She shook her head in denial and tried to pull her hands away from me. All the while, her head was hung low. She still didn't want to look at me.

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