Chapter 45

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Alyssa's POV

"Alyssa, are you okay? Can I come in?", I heard Henry's worried voice from the other side of the door.

"Just a second!", I rushed over to the sink and hurriedly gargled my mouth with water to flush out any left over remains.

I looked in the mirror and saw nothing but a hot mess. I looked like crap. The morning sickness was making things worse for me. Few days back, I had thrown up after not being able to bare the smell of leftover roast meat that my dad brought over for me to eat.

I wasn't going to keep this act up for long. Sooner or later, Henry's going to find out. There's just no hiding from him.

I did want to surprise him about this but a part of me was still worried of how he would react to this news.

Was he prepared to be a father? We're still young and he's very much invested in his business. We've just put aside our differences and tried to make this relationship work after so much happened between us. Henry sure has changed alot and for the better. He does love me very much but I have no idea if he even wants a child now...

I couldn't surpress the unwanted thoughts, no matter how hard I tried. I wanted to be positive but how could I? I haven't really had the best of experiences in my life to make me feel that way....

Don't do this to yourself Alyssa! Stop this...forget about your past...don't let it stop you from being happy!

"Alyssa...please let me in.", Henry's incessant knocking on the door brought me back to reality.

I rushed towards the door and opened it for him, wide enough so that he could push himself in with his wheelchair. While I did, I catched a glimpse of Dad still comforting a crying Liam. The doctor has not arrived yet and Dad seemed preoccupied with consoling Liam. I closed the door behind me and looked at Henry.

"Are you okay Alyssa? What happened?", Henry asked.

"I'm fine....", I force myself to respond and gave a subtle nod in response. I didn't even know what else to say.

Well...I'm pregnant and we're going to be parents...

It sounded easy to say in my head but not in person, especially now.

He had an incredulous look on his face as though he didn't believe me.

"Come here, sit on my lap.", he cooed softly and patted his legs, gesturing me to go to him.

I walked up to him slowly but hesitated to sit on him. He was still injured and I didn't want apply any pressure on him.

"Baby, I'm fine. You're not going to hurt me alright. Besides, I wouldn't have made out with you earlier if I was injured that bad.", an amused expression crossed his face as he winked at me.

My body grew hot and flustered at the memory of us kissing in his hospital bed earlier and only to be caught in the act by Mr Garrett.

I swatted Henry's arm playfully and carefully sat down on his lap. He adjusted me so that I was seated on one his legs and I steadied myself by lacing my arms around his neck.

"You're so beautiful Alyssa....", he gazed into my eyes and caressed the side of my face with his hand and I kissed the inside of his palm tenderly.

"I could say the same about you.", I smiled back affectionately while he returned a sexy smirk.

"Are you really feeling okay? Maybe you're coming down with something? I heard you throwing up from outside...", he paused and placed the back of his hand against my forehead to check if I was running a fever.

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