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"Hayley, don't make mommy tired! Come here!", I called out to our four year old daughter who was running away from her breakfast.

She jumped onto Henry who was seated on the sofa.

"Seriously, where does she get all this energy from?", I grumbled as I waddled over to them with my huge pregnant belly.

"Must be from her dad.", Henry beamed down proudly at her. Henry and Hayley were splitting images of each other. They had the same steely blue eyes and jet black hair. They were not only similar in looks but in character too. She was resilient and had a fiery personality. She could be bossy at times like her dad. However, I was always ready to discipline her if she got out of hand.

Regardless, I adored Hayley. After she was born, I could see some changes in Henry. He had become more gentle and calm around Hayley and myself. I simply adored this softer side of him. It made me fall deeper in love with him.

"Well, I hope our baby boy follows me instead.", I teased while Henry rubbed my protuding belly.

I couldn't be any happier than at this moment. However, Liam's threatening words of destroying our family still haunted me to this day. The only thing that gave me peace of mind was that he was serving his life sentence without possibility of parole.

"Baby, what's the matter?", Henry brought me back to reality.

"No, I'm just thinking about how far we have come.", I smiled at him.

"Yeah, it's been four years already. I'm glad you are still by my side.", Henry laid a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Daddy, I want a kiss too!", Hayley wriggled impatiently in his arms.

"Of course sweetie, plenty of kisses for you!", Henry laughed and began kissing her all over her face. Hayley burst into fits of laughter.

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

"Hayley, granny and grandpa are here!"

I opened the door and mom engulfed me in a warm embrace.

"I can barely hug you properly. Your belly is so big now!", she smiled at me lovingly.

I couldn't help but remember the time when Mom was brought to court regarding Liam's case. It was a huge relief for all of us when the verdict stated that there will be no charges filed against Mom for shooting Liam. Her actions were excused as self-defense. We were elated that the entire ordeal was finally over and all of us could finally move on and start afresh.

"How are you, honey?", Dad kissed my cheek as we walked over to Henry and Hayley.

"Grandpa! Grandma!", Hayley jumped from the sofa and ran into Dad's arms. She simply adored her grandparents. Being the loving grandparents they were, they always spoiled her with toys and chocolates.

I watched silently as my parents, Henry and Hayley were talking and laughing happily. Back then, I always yearned for love. Love from Anna, from Henry and my parents...There was always an empty void inside of me. But now as I stand here and watch, the vast emptiness, pain and longing is gone. I opened the locket around my neck and touched Anna's picture.

"I hope you are happy, Anna. I miss you."

With that, I wiped my tears and joined my family.

With Henry's arms around me, Hayley playing with my parents, my heart feels whole and complete now. I finally have found and know what true love is....

------ THE END ------

Hi lovelies! We have come to the end of this book. I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have shown your love and support to this book. Your votes and comments have always encouraged me to write better. Though I went on a very long break, many of you still left comments for me to continue this book. So I came back to finish this book for u guys.

I hope all of you enjoyed this book. Would you like for me to write another sequel to this book or write another book with a new storyline? Let me know in the comment section guys! Anyways, thank you once again for reading. Take care everyone bye :)

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