Chapter 36

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Alyssa's POV

It can't be...

It was another white envelope.

On the very top of it, the words "To Alyssa" was written in bold ink.

The handwriting was unmistakable. I recognised it the moment my eyes landed on it. 

Without a doubt, it was Anna's.

I had no idea why this letter was placed here of all places...on a table in the middle of an empty basement?

Above all, why didn't Liam give me this letter earlier? Did he intend to give it to me later?

My hands itched to pick up the envelope and open it up. It had to be another letter from Anna.

I wasn't as elated as I was before to receive the letter from my sister. 

Previously, I had been overwhelmed with joy that my sister had wrote me a letter before she passed away.

It felt like she had finally acknowledged me as her sister and decided to let go of our troubled past.

However, she also mentioned false accusations about Henry that had planted the seed of doubt within me.

As much as I hate to admit it, I should have listened to him and not read the letter. 

He would have still been here by my side if we did not have that stupid argument. I missed everything about him...his boyish smile, his affectionate gaze, his warm kisses and hugs.

Where are you, Henry? Please come back to me....

I shifted my attention back to the letter on the table.

With trembling hands, I picked it up and took a long look at it.

I contemplated for a moment as to whether I should open it.

Another part of me was bothered by the random placement of the envelope and that Liam was nowhere in sight at this hour of the night. 

I had no idea where Liam was. If he had been in the house, I would have seen or heard him by now. There was no sign of him at all. I wondered if I should wait for him first before doing anything. 

I didn't know what to make of any of this.

Just open the damn envelope, Alyssa!

I mentally chided myself and caved in to my impulsive urge. 

It wasn't long before I pulled a letter out from the envelope and began to read it.

Dear Alyssa,

I hope this letter finds you well.

There's so much I want to tell you before I leave.

I'm sorry for everything that I had done to you. I can't forgive myself for pain and misery I have caused you. I sincerely regret everything. If I could, I would have like make things right . But, I can't as time is certainly not my side.

So, I have to tell you the truth before I leave. You deserve to know it. It's the least I can do for you.

Liam is not who you think he is. He is controlling, violent and abusive.

He has hurt me both physically, mentally and emotionally when we were together. Once, he pushed me down a flight of stairs when we argued.

This is just an example of what he done to me. There are many countless incidents where he abused me but he always blamed it on being drunk.

He is up to no good. You should not trust him. He feeds off people's fear and treats them like his slave. He is manipulative and a compulsive liar. He is a sadist.

I'm sorry that I had not warned you earlier but I was forced to keep quiet about him.

If I told you anything about him to you, he threatened to hurt you. I couldn't allow that. He orchestrated this entire marriage to hurt you.

He gets off on hurting others. He knew I would be gone soon and wanted to have you all to himself to inflict pain on you. He did that to me too. Even the baby, he made me abort it. It wasn't my choice. He made me lie to you that I had done it on my own accord.

He will stop at nothing to cause you anguish if you don't do something about it.

He's just using you for his sick pleasure. He has told me before that he despises you to the very core.

He didn't tell me why but you have to find out the reason behind his plan. He may act sweet and deceiving but don't fall for it. Trust me, he is a good actor.

If I were you, I would be cautious around him. Stay away from Liam at all cost. He is dangerous. Please believe me. I want you to be safe. Please take care of parents and Henry. They need you now more than ever.

And Alyssa, I love you so much. I always loved you even though hatred blinded me. I will continue loving you even though I can't be by your side anymore. I want you to be happy and I know you will do the right thing. Take care sister.

With Love,


I gasped aloud and dropped the letter onto the floor.

"", I couldn't believe what I had just read. Were my eyes deceiving me?

This is not true....Then what about the other letter? Was that a lie?

Amidst my befuddled state, I was finding it hard to breath when I heard the creak of the door from above and loud footsteps thumping against the wooden stairs.

Hi guys! I'm so sorry for the late update.

I hope you liked this chapter!

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And OMG , we hit 18k reads and its all cos of you! Thank you so much to each and everyone who have been reading, voting and commenting! You guys are the best :) 

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter and will post the next one as soon as I can. Bye!

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