Imagine- 5 Jandy

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Andy's POV
Today was the day I was finally going to tell everyone I was gay, Blair clearly told me not to do it but I can't hide it anymore. "Andy you okay?" I heard a Irish accent ask me, I quickly turned around nervous as hell "Y-yeah." I stuttered the others made quick glances at each other and then back at me. "You're hiding something." Rye stated "So? It is not like you guys don't hide stuff! And also Blair said I couldn't talk about it." I said snapping at then at first but then talking softly as I felt tears burn behind my eyes.

"What can't you say then?" Jack asked carefully as he wrapped a arm around me "I'm gay." I murmured "I'm going to come out at the concert tonight." I added feeling the tears already going down my cheeks. "We support you Andy, you're going to come out to all roadies tonight. We make sure to vlog it and go live on and Instagram." Rye said first bumping the air. We all laughed but agreed to that Mikey was going to vlog, Brooklyn was going on, and Rye went live on Instagram, and for Jack well he was going to support me trough it.

I got my phone out of my pocket going to twitter to tweet we have something special tonight.

@/Roadtriptv: Hello Roadies! At the concert tonight I have something important to share with you all. The boys will all go live on Instagram and, we also will vlog it stay tuned! 🌵❤👑x Andy

"Hey Andy?" I heard Jack ask behind me I looked up at him and nodded "When did you find out you were gay?" He softly asked getting a bit red. "Well I knew it before I got in this band to be fair. I was 14 by the time I knew, I didn't enjoy looking at girls as my mates did. They always joked about 'you're so gay Andy' but I took it seriously, I talked a whole night with my mom about it and at the end of the night we both made the conclusion that I wasn't into girls. I always went up to every fashion things, I always wanted things perfect, and I even said girls we're stupid when I was little." I explained to him laughing a bit at the end.

"Do you like someone now?" Jack asked me curiously, I blushed and nodded "I do actually but Blair wouldn't agree on it." I said sighing as I looked down at my hands. "Concert in 3 minutes guys! Get ready!" I heard Blair yell to get all of our attention. We all stood up and walked to the stairs, but then Jack pulled me back and kissed me straight on the lips. I immediately kissed him back I could finally kiss the boy I longed for. Jack pulled apart winked at me and went up to the others, I slowly felt my lips wich where still burning.

I just walked up the stairs to three other who we're grinning at me being all flustered. Dang you Jack for doing this to me!

"1.. 2.. 3.. ROADTRIP!" We all screamed together and run up stage. "Alright guys! How are we feeling!?" Rye yelled trough his microphone excitedly, everyone screamed a yes out and we started with the first song 'No No No'.

Soon the concert came to a end and it was time for me to come out all roadies.

I took a deep breath in and out and walked to the front, Mikey grabbed the vlog camera filming me, Brooklyn went live on telling everyone I had something to tell them, and then last Rye went live on Instagram telling them the same thing Brooklyn told them. "Alright everyone I know you all might hate me for what I'm going to say, but I genuinely hope I will get the support I hope for. So here it goes." I said taking a deep breath in and out.

"I'm gay." I said trough the microphone, for at least two minutes it was completely silent on both of the live streams and even here. I started to feel tears as I ran of stage to the dressing room, I quickly hide myself behind the couch letting the tears come out. How could I've been so damn stupid? I knew no one would accept me who would even want to accept me?

"Andy!" I heard Jack and Rye yell I just stayed silent not trying to be confronted with them. "They said he went in here." Jack said as they walked into the dressing room "Maybe he hided himself?" Rye questioned. "Andy please come out." Jack said sounding worried, one second I was sitting between the wall and the couch and the second I was pulled up in a hug. "Never scare us like that again." Jack mumbled extremely concerned, I just looked down "I'm sorry but I couldn't stay there. I knew no one would accept me, and look at me now? I ruined the band the roadies hate me." I said sobbing into Jack's shoulder.

"They don't hate you look." Rye said turning his phone to me as he let me read every comment on "They support you." Jack said smiling wide. "Oh guys I need to do something as well, and you have to vlog it Rye. I want the roadies to know this just yet." Jack explained to Rye who grinned and ran out of the room. "What do you need to do?" I asked Jack curious, Jack just shrugged looking away from me. Soon Rye and the others got back in the dressing room "You ended every right?" Jack asked them they all nodded. "We said that Andy was back and no one should be concerned, the concert is over as well." Mikey informed Jack Who nodded.

Jack then turned towards me "Alright Andy when I asked you about how you knew you we're gay.. I let out a little detail. When I kissed you Andy just before the show I immediately knew that I like you, no wait forget that i love you Andy. Would you please my boyfriend?" Jack told me with hoping eyes at the last part. I knew the boys where probably vlogging this, I looked at Jack in the eyes and smiled. I crashed my lips to his kissing him softly, Jack was a bit surprised by it but soon kissed me back slowly going with his hands to my cheeks. When we both pulled apart the others cheered while I just was as red as a tomato.

"I suppose that's a yes?" Jack wishperd in my ear I just blushed and nodded as he smiled widely.

2 days later

"Guys I have the vlog done." Mikey told me and Jack, we both sat down next to him to see that Mikey tilted it 'Telling The Big News'. "Thank you Mikey." I told him "I can't wait to see what the roadies think." Jack said smiling wide "You'll get hate you know? You two just have to ignore that okay?" Mikey told us sternly. Jack and I nodded as Mikey went over to twitter to tweet the vlog.

New vlog out now!
'Telling The Big News'
This a special vlog we hope for all the support and love you roadies can give.

Jack went to his bed sitting down and pulling me down with him. "Have I told you how much I love you?" Jack asked me softly so only I could hear it, I nodded smiling as I looked up at him "Everyday." I told him. "Well I love you every single day more." Jack told me as he pecked my lips, I pouted at him wanting a longer kiss. Jack giggled and kissed me a but longer, this time I pulled away "I love you to Jack so much." I told him genuinely.

Requested by: AmeleaMason
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Word Count: 1355

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