Imagine 93 - Brandy

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"Where is Brooklyn?"

Andy stood in a bunker facing two of the greatest hunters it would be three but Brooklyn wasn't standing next to Sam and Dean. Andy himself wasn't human he was an angel just like his brother Castiel and many other's.

"Dean, Sam where is Brooklyn?"

The two brother's shook their heads long away from the blonde angel. "We are sorry Andy. Brooklyn... He-He died, he died saving us." Andy looked in disbelief at the two before rage took over him. All Andy could feel was rage and grief and it didn't help him that he had no clue how to control it so he did what his older brother; Lucifer once taught him. Fight.

Andy grabbed the angel blade from his sleeve, walked forward to the two brother's and held them both on the ground with his angel power's. Andy put the blade close to Sam his neck, just pressing it softly but enough to make him scream. "You said you would keep him safe on hunts! He wasn't supposed to die he couldn't! I blame you Winchester, you and your brother. I hate you two with the deepest meaning humans use these days." Andy was about to slice Sam his head when a hand pulled him back and towards someone his chest who held his arms tight.

Andy looked up, glaring at whoever tried to stop him in killing the two brother's. But his eyes met the brown hazel once of his brother; Gabriel who simply looked with sad once down at him. Andy looked next to him and saw Castiel holding Sam and Dean down so they couldn't come to Any either.

"What happened cactus?"

Andy smiled at the nickname Gabriel used. It always made him smile just because when he was just a fledgling Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer and himself went down to earth and Andy would always jump on the cactus's that covered the desserts.


That was all Andy could manage oit before he felt his knees go limp and he fall on the ground hugging them tight as he cried his heart out. Andy couldn't believe the only person that made him willing to stay and become human was gone and there was nothing he could do. He wasn't like Castiel and couldn't get Brooklyn back even if he went to hell but he couldn't go to heaven either having being banished from it with a warning to be killed whenever he stepped foot in heaven.

Gabriel and Castiel both looked with a sympathy look down at their little brother. Dean and Sam where now seated on the chair's also being in grief of them losing Brooklyn. Nobody knew what to say until Gabriel zapped from the bunker leaving the four men alone.

Castiel moved next to Andy already knowing what Gabriel is doing and held Andy close to him. He may not know that emotion's that well but he was sure that he needed a hug.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Andy."

"You can't say that Cassy.. I can't be without him, Brooklyn was my world. He made me realize the free will you got... He was like my guide to this world and now that's gone I don't think I wanna live in it anymore."

Castiel tilted his head as he looked at Andy's eyes which now held no longer the fire in them only some dull blue eyes. "If you go back to heaven you'll get killed." Andy laughed but with no emotion as he stood on his legs which could give out any moment. "Who said going back to heaven?" Andy grabbed his angel blade that Gabriel had dropped when he held him, Andy placed it in front of his heart his tears stopped spilling from his vassal now.

"Andy! What in Father's name do you think you're doing?"

Andy turned around to see Gabriel and Lucifer standing in the door way both anger flashing over their face's. Andy laughed and shook his head as he pushed the blade a little bit further. "What do you think? Killing myself!" Lucifer was in the next second in front of him as he pulled the blade away from him throwing to the other side of the room. "You always been an idiot." Lucifer muttered under his breath as he took a glance around the room and grinned widely.

"Dean, Sam! It has been awhile. Why don't you tell my brother the whole truth? I can get Brooklyn back but I want you two to tell the whole truth before I do."

Andy frowned and stood next to Lucifer looking at the two brother's "Brooklyn died  to save them." Lucifer rolled his eyes and with a flick of his hand Andy, Castiel, Gabriel and himself where in a warehouse where Dean, Sam and Brooklyn where an hour ago. "They can't see nor hear us Andy. I just want you to know the truth why he died." Andy just nodded his head as he held Gabriel's arm, it may be childish but to him it wasn't.


"Dean! Sam!"

Brooklyn ran into the room, looking around in panic mode as he breathed heavily. "IT'S A TRAP! LEAVE! GET OUT!" His yells could be heard through the whole warehouse. Sam and Dean both didn't listen and went to Brooklyn instead both having their guns out, "What's wrong Brooke?" Brooklyn looked at them with utter panic. "What are you two! Deaf? Get out! I can hold Nathan and Lola both down they want me anyway. Please leave and get to Andy quick I'm not gonna survive this and I cannot run from this." Dean looked at him, anger flooding through his eyes.

"What have you done!"

"I made a deal with a demon. I couldn't stand to see you two die! I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to. Please tell Andy I did what I had to do and I love him? I didn't tell him what I felt guys."

Sam sighed but nodded "We love you Brooke." They hugged Brooklyn and left. Brooklyn turned around, tears already making their way over his cheeks. "It's okay Brooke. You are doing this for Andy and only for him." Brooklyn muttered to himself as he walked into a other room (Andy, Lucifer, Castiel and Gabriel following him as well) and sat on the ground.

"It's time Brooklyn."

Brooklyn looked up at Nathan and Lola, nodding his head he stood up. "The deal is that Sam and Dean stayed alive. But also that we won't kill Andy." Lola stepped forward, blade in her hands as she pushed into his chest hard. "Goodbye Brooklyn." Nathan grinned as the body fall on the ground. Lifeless.

Lucifer zapped them back to the bunker again. Andy sat on the ground, his eyes shut as he held his legs. "Brooklyn made sure that nobody would hurt you.." Andy looked up with teary eyes at Gabriel. "But I need him Gabe.. I love him! I don't care if it's a sin or if I lose my grace. Brooklyn makes me happy and that's what I want, I want the stupid human life he had." Andy stopped talking as another sob left his mouth.

"Andy please."

Andy's head snapped up at the voice and looked directly at the green eyes of Brooklyn. "I'm sorry I hurt you with my actions. I love you so much." Brooklyn grabbed Andy in his arms, hugging him tightly.

Lucifer stood next to his brother's a smile on his face as he looked at them talking, hugging and being close. "Thank you for bringing him back Luci." Lucifer turned to Gabriel and shrugged "We can't just let Andy suffer. Nobody of us could live with that." And it was true. Andy always made the family put their difference aside and be happy for once. Andy always made sure all of them where safe and sound, and this is Lucifer his way to thank him somehow.

Family stays important and impossible to break.

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