Imagine-18 Mack

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You can wipe away the tears.
And carry on like you're fine.
But what if it wasn't that simple, as hiding behind a smile?
What if every tear of pain, left a scar on you're face.
It'd be awful I suppose, as then everyone would know.
You're no longer able to hide.
Behind you're protective facade.
Cracks begin to form,
And the walls you built crumble.
You internally curse yourself,
For appearing so vulnerable,
So helpful... So insecure...

Mikey's POV

I locked myself in my room under my desk as I tried to hold my sobs inside so nobody would hear me, so nobody would have to worry, nobody would see the pain, but little did I know that it all was gonna change by tonight.

I woke up early today since the boys wanted to have a practice at Jack his place I was totally not excited for it but it has to happen I suppose. I got out of bed grabbing my stuff changing into some clothes and went downstairs, I slowly got down the stairs not wanting to make any noise as my father was home and probably drunk. My mom passed away when I was just 15 and well my dad couldn't really handle it, he started drinking not just a beer a time oh no but he got at least 10 to 15 bottles a day, it was always the same day in and day out and if I didn't do as he said things would escalate big time.

But enough about me let's go on with the story.

I walked into the kitchen seeing bottles all shattered around the kitchen and my dad laying on the table passed out from all the drinking, I sighed and quietly grabbed a apple from the table but it fell out of my hand as I felt a hard grip around my wrist making me gasp in pain. "Where do you think you're going!?" My dad said loudly to me as I turned around to see his face full of hatred and anger all towards me. "I'm going to see my friend's." I whimpered as I tried to get my arm out of his grip "And why is that?" He said slowly while gripping my arm even more, I slowly let out a sob "T-to p-practice." I said letting out a few more sobs as I felt tears stream down my face. He started to laugh straight in my face wich only hurt me "You a artist? That will never happen." He said letting go of me and laughing so I quickly ran out of the house.

I arrived at Jack his place and saw the other's already being there since Rye and Andy's car where in the drive way, I took a deep breath wiped my tears away and went inside seeing the other's look up at me. "Mikey!" Jack cheered happily but it soon stopped as he stood up walking towards me looking closely at my face "Mikey? Are you feeling alright? You got scars all over you're cheeks staring from you're eyes." Jack stated worry filling his voice. "Scar's?" I asked him as I immediately ran to his bathroom looking into the mirror seeing scars  on my face, I slowly traced them but they didn't disappear and most weird of it all they didn't even hurt at all.

Rye appeared behind me worry all over his face "Mikey you sure you're okay? It looks like tear stains but then they formed scars?" Rye questioned me, Jack grabbed my hand got me out of the bathroom and into his room telling the other's he'll handle it.

"Mikey those scars aren't bad at all I know what they are sadly, it are tears but then they are turned into scars showing everyone around you of you're broken or not." Jack explained to me as I still couldn't quite understand. "Please what is wrong." Jack choked out as I saw he was crying leaving scars on his face, and that is where I broke down and told him everything.

"The last thing is that I'm gay Jack and I like you." I sobbed out as I tried to move away from him, he'll hate me think I'm weird throw me out of the band, laugh at me and make my life a living hell, alright maybe that is a bit to far but still. Soon my thoughts got interrupted by soft lips covering mine, my eyes went open in shock seeing Jack kissing me while his scars disappeared. I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back lifting my arms around him neck pulling him in close as I felt the scars leave my face and got replaced with tears of joy.
"I'll always protect you Mikey." jack wishperd as we both fall a sleep in each others arms, and I finally felt safe and happy.

But now with the truth unveiled,
Perhaps you can finally receive the support you deserve,
And love you so desperately need.
Maybe now you can start moving on,
As the deep scars of you're past.
Begin fiding beneath tears of joy.
When you allow others in,
To see you and share you're pain
The weight of you're problems, doesn't feel quite as heavy.
Don't be afraid to open up,
To share you're story and thoughts.
That's when you became stronger, as you continue to lift each other up.
There's always someone who cares, who wants to help to erase you're scars.

Requested by: Lady_AlwaysInvisible
I'm legit sorry if this wasn't what you wanted to read..
Sorry it's been a while since I last updated a imagine of this book.
I just didn't had any inspiration at all and didn't know what to write or not.
Also someone requested a Mack one shot, but I forgot the user so please if anyone of you guys asked a Mack one shot please tell me!!
Also why I haven't updated is because I have been struggling with myself a lot lately.. My feelimgs have gone up and down and up and down.
So that is also why this a sad chapter and kinda short? Hope that isn't a problem I really want to make the best imagines for you guys but I think  I'm failing at that part.. I hope y'all still enjoy this(': even though it's crappy I apologise..

Word Count: 1070

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