🌸Our Lives Will Be Legacy 🌸Bronny🌸

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Requested by: B_T_O_T_I_
Sorry for the delay and lack of inspiration hope it is 'good enough' for you guys😓❤x

"We are here today for the execution of Brooklyn Wyattt."

I looked around the crowd of people standing in front of the wooden panel I would soon be on and hang for practicing in Witchcraft. All the people standing in front of each held a look of disgust on their faces not even baring me a second glance. But I wasn't looking at their judgemental faces the one person I was looking for was my boyfriend; Sonny.

I gulped as they pushed me onto the platform, shaking as lead as they were ready to put the rope around my neck. Just as they where about to put it around my neck I heard yelling and smoke filling the clearing, curiously I looked around only to find a boy in a black robe standing in front of me. I couldn't see his face but knew he was there to help me. He grabbed the small sword he held and cut the ropes that where tightly around my wrists. The boy grabbed my hand and began running through the villages, taking turns in right, left, straight, right, right, left, it was like running in a maze.

I heard footsteps run behind us and my heart began to drop, where that the angry people? Who accused me of Witchcraft, wich I was guilty too. I was a warlock and tried to heal my boyfriends wound but as soon as I was making the spell people found me and took me captive as soon as they saw it.

I looked back and saw indeed the village people running at us. The boy in front of me began to chant something and as soon as the words left his lips a blast was thrown over us and the people who tried to catch me ran at an invisible shield. I stopped running and looked at the shield with wide eyes. The boy who had dragged me grabbed the hood of his robe and pulled it down so I could see him clearly, the blonde boy with blue eyes smiled widely at me.

"The name is Andy Fowler. I brought you here because I heard of the hanging. I couldn't let a fellow warlock to have their life taken away. Being a warlock doesn't makes us creatures from hell."

Brooklyn smiled but it soon faded away as he looked back at the shield. "My boyfriend is still there." Andy patted his shoulder with sympathy "I'm sorry but it isn't safe for you to go out there." Brooklyn pushed Andy's hand off him and tried to run at the shield only to be blasted into a tree. Brooklyn groaned as he got up, glaring at Andy who simply sat down next to him. "I am sorry but you can't leave, yet. You have to get stronger before you can return to them, but for now you should train to be a stronger warlock." Brooklyn sighed as he leaned against the tree. "I have a boyfriend out there too. His name is Rye and he was the sweetest to me, until he found out I was a warlock. He was so scared of me I ran away, I came across this warlock society and decided to stay and rescue warlock's all over the UK, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. We have a Irish boy here named; Jack. I rescued him a few years back." Andy stood up and lend me a hand which I accepted as he led me to a whole community.

Small cabins where spread at each side while in the middle of it all was a huge fireplace. Andy whistled loudly and almost at each cabin came at least 5 to 10 people out of them, crowding us all around. "This is Brooklyn Wyatt. He was about to be hanged by them!" The crowd made a sad sound as the words left Andy's mouth but begin cheering when Andy told them I was here to stay for a while.

It took me four years to be strong enough to take care of myself so Andy decided to take me back to the place he found me.

"Here put this on." Andy gave me a black robe with a hood, I pulled it over the clothes I had on and pulled the hood over my head as Andy did the same. Andy led me towards a path with magical portals (which still amazed me). Andy had told me they used this way to travel to Scotland, Wales and Ireland to get more witches and warlocks here. They also traveled to protect some places from outsiders, but the place they needed to go to was my birth place but it also was Andy's, so deep inside I hoped that Rye would be there too. Maybe they could get that happy ending Andy deserved.

Brooklyn turned around towards the friends he had made through the years; Jack, Mikey, Alex, Harvey and Miley. They all held a sad look but I just smiled at them "I'll visit I promise." Jack chuckled and pulled me in a hug "You better, Wyatt." I smiled and nodded as Mikey gave me the portal stone, which meant I could make a portal anywhere I wanted which I would use, I was gonna get Sonny and come back, it wasn't unusual for warlocks or witches to stay here with their normal partner's.

"We should go, Brooke." I nodded and said my last goodbye's before following him through the portal. As I walked through it with Andy in front of me I found us in the same alley way we had run into when Andy saved me. Andy started walking and I followed him, looking around the village I once called 'home'. I kept walking behind Andy until we reached the outside of the village and saw a small cabin.

"Rumor has it that he is seen last here." I nodded as Andy waited further away as I knocked on the wooden door, nerves going sky high inside me. The door slowly opened and I saw Sonny standing there, eyes red and puffy, cheeks sunken, hair a mess, clothes dirty and it had a smell that made me gag but also cry because I did this to him.

"Look, I don't know where he is.. Please leave me alone, you already took enough from me.."

My heart broke at the words he spoke and I pulled my hood off, pushing him inside the cabin and closing it behind me. "I-It's me." Sonny looked up, frowing at me but than shook his head "No, my boyfriend was kidnapped and killed!" I held back a sob as I held his arm gently "It is me. I promise, please, Sonny." Sonny started shaking as he looked up at me, eyes filling with tears as he let out a broken sob. "H-How." I sat down next to him sighing deeply and told him everything about the warlock/witches village Andy had took me.

"So, you've been alive the whole time? And never cared to tell me!? Do you know what you put me through! They, they took everyhting, Brookie. They took our home.. our belongings.. I was lost without you.."

Just than the door creeked open and a tall brunette boy was standing there with a brown bag, frowing as he saw me. "Sonny? Who's this?" I could sense the sadness in his eyes as he spoke directly to Sonny, who sighed "Brooklyn. The one I told you about.... turns out he isn't dead at all.. don't be sad, Rye." As Brooklyn heard his name he looked at the boy and gasped "Wait your Rye!?" The boy nodded unsure of the situation. "You know someone named Andy?" Rye looked up with wide eyes at the name I dropped "How do you know him?" I smiled as I stood up, grabbing Sonny's hand and walked out of the cabin with Rye following me.

"What took you so long Brooklyn? I don't have all the time." Andy turned around but was too late to put his hood back on as Rye looked straight at him, eyes wide and mouth open. "Andy?" Rye stepped forward and grabbed Andy's hand before smashing their lips together.

I chuckled as I held onto Sonny who cuddled into my side. "I'm still mad at you, for not telling." I pouted and kissed his head saying 'sorry' each time. He smiled and just held my hand as we waited for Rye and Andy to stop kissing which they did. Andy held Rye's hand and smiled at me, mouthing a 'thank you'. I just shrugged as I pulled my portal stone out of my pocket, whispered the spell Mikey taught me and smiled as a portal shone brightly in front of us. Andy walked in first with Rye as I pulled Sonny with me.

As we went through it Sonny gasped at the happiness that was filling the society. "It's so peaceful here, Brooke." I nodded smiling and pulled him to the cabin (Andy had made for me) pulling Sonny behind me and into the home. "I know this isn't perfect.. but we could start over and make this our home.?" Even though he accepted to come with me to this place I was still unsure of him staying with me. Sonny saw the unsureness in my eyes and smiled as he placed his lips on mine gently, letting me know he was happy to be with me. I pulled him close as it felt like ages ago when I felt his lips on mine. As he pulled away, I happily hugged his waist as he layed his head on my  shoulder.

"I'm so in love with you, Warlock Brooklyn."

"And I, you, Sonny. My sunshine."

"Our lives will be legacy together."

"Indeed it will, Sonny, indeed it will."

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