🌸I'll Keep You Safe With My Life🌸OT5🌸

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"Brooklyn! You okay?"

"Brooky talk to us!"

"Baby please."

"Squeeze my hand or anything!"

It where all voices swirling around my head I couldn't either hear right or respond to. My mouth felt like someone put duct tape on it, my eyes felt to heavy to even move or open them, my hands where to heavy for my own body. The only thing I was allowed to do was watch the darkness around me and hear the desperate sounds of people who I can not remember, or can I? I got no clue. I don't even know how long I've been looking at the darkness.

I felt someone slip their hand into mine. I wanted to squeeze to whoever it was and give him or her a signal I could hear them and feel their touch. But my body didn't allow me to do anything. Is this what it feels like to be dead? Or am I just in a coma?

"Brooke, I don't know if you can hear me.. But please wake up it's been 6 months. Jack is a wreck, he keeps blaming himself. Rye doesn't leave his room much either, locking himself away from all three of us. Mikey is breaking apart, by putting so much on his plate. And for me? I'm not doing good Brooke if I never asked you all to come over to the park none of it would've happened."

I felt this person slipping a small box into my hand as he continued talking.

"I wanted to ask you four to marry me.... That's a bit foolish now isn't it.?"

The person layed his head on my chest and I could feel the wetness growing, maybe he was crying? I clenched my palms trying to at least move or even put one finger up. No use. I tried moving my feet or even my damned toes. No use. I then tried opening my eyes, I saw a slight blinding light as I only had them open for a second, immediately shutting them down. I felt the body move from my chest as he now grabbed my hand tightly. "Brooke? Open them again please baby." I did what he asked from me this time succeeding. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light and then looked over to my left seeing a blonde boy with the deepest blue eyes looking right back at me.

The boy pushed a button as tears stared streaming down his face. I frowned I was awake wasn't I? And who was he anyway? The boy noticed my frown his smiled slowly faded away.

"You don't remember do you.?"

I shaked my head feeling absolutely awful the the boy. He gulped and gave me a broken smile only for the door to be pushed open and people with white coats walking inside. "Sir we need to ask you to leave." The boy nodded and left the room, his touch slowly fading from mine. I looked down at my hand and it still held the box pulling it to my face I opened it and saw a beautiful diamond ring sitting neatly on a red cushion. A nurse walked towards me smiling gently as he put the box on the table before they all started to do some tests on me. I could only think about this blond haired angel with blue eyes.

After an hour they all where done and told me I was fine but couldn't leave yet due being in a coma for 6 months.

The door opened again as this time the blonde haired boy walked back in but with three other's trailing behind him. One has hazel eyes and brown hair, one held blue eyes with also brown hair, another one with also blue eyes but with black raven hair.

"Hey Brooklyn." The raven haired boy smiled at me as he made a seat to my
right. "I'm Mikey. The blonde one is Andy, the brown haired with hazel eyes is Rye and the last one is Jack." I nodded biting my lip before looking at all of them.

"What are you guys from me?"

My voice hurted by talking but somehow I wanted to talk to these boys, something made me feel safe and protected.

Jack looked down as he held onto Rye his. "You're our best friends, band mate and our boyfriend." I frowned but silently nodded my head. I was still confused by them but what could I do other then trust them?

After the weeks have passed by I got to know that boys a bit more, I still didn't have my memories back but just as Andy said 'We can make new memories for you.' I also got to know that I was in a boyband! I screamed when they told me that. The fans 'Roadies' as we call them where suoer supportive. But I felt this pink of guilt in my stomach everytime someone told me what I used to be like or what I did. I didn't have any memory of the things they told me and it had hurt at first but Rye grabbed me close and told me it wasn't my fault.

I stepped out of the car only to be met with a very big house in front of me. The boys have mentioned we all lived together for the past years. Mikey chuckled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house, the inside was even more beautiful then the outside! I was in total adoration at the whole house, in and outside.

"You alright?"

I felt hands slip around my waist, smiling I turned my head halfway to see Rye standing right next to me. We went into the kitchen and sat down, Andy had grabbed his guitar as he wanted to play some songs for me wich I thought was unnecessary but to him it was very much necessary so I let him and the other's sing. As they begin singing a song called 'Perfect' my head started to explode from pain, my eyes began watering as my vision started to fade in and out, eventually I blakced out and felt a memory creep it's way to my eyes for me to watch.

"Andy asked if we could go see him in at the park. Something about a surprise?"

I smiled as I let Rye pick me wich made the both of us laugh loudly. Rye put me down when we where outside and I held his hand Jack's hand grinning like a mad man. As we crossed the road I saw a car speading up on us, I looked at Mikey, Rye and Jack in front of me and pushed them all forward making them all fall hard on the ground, I could sense their anger on why I would do that. I turned to the car and tried to take a run for it only for the car to hit me in the side sending me flying over it and falling with a thud on the pavement. I felt my lungs being ripped out if my chest as I tried to breath properly only for it to worsen.


I turned my face with a groan looking at my boyfriend's who ran over to me, Andy already calling and ambulance. I couldn't move my arms or legs and felt my eyes starting getting heavy and heavy. The other's kept shouting at me to keep them open, but really. I couldn't do that anymore. I closed my eyes letting the darkness take me away to it's worse place.

I gasped as I sat up straight, panic flooding my body as I looked around the room only to see the boys looking at me with tears in their eyes.

"I wanted to save you guys. Even if it means giving mine."

Rye started sobbing as he immediately grabbed me close his arms wrapping around me in a protective way, the other three joined the hug and I knew they wouldn't let go any time soon, not that I minded of course. We where all a crying mess but I knew we would be alright this time.

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